Canadian Cyclist


September 24/10 15:24 pm - Midland-Horseshoe-Midland Enduro

Posted by Editoress on 09/24/10

Saturday October 9th, of the Thanksgiving weekend, will be the inaugural running of the Midland to Horseshoe and back Enduro (okay the name sucks, I'll change it later)

We've came up with a course of mixed road surfaces so no one type of bike will be able to do it all well. We are hoping the MTB and CX bikes will play leap frog through out the 100km ride.

Cost of entry is $40 and online registration is available at the OCA.   There will be day of registration starting at 8AM but that will cost you another $10. If you do not have a UCI license or a OCA citizen permit you will be able to  purchase  a one day insurance permit as well.

For more information go to

Course Map


Courtesy Tim Bourrie


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