Canadian Cyclist


October 1/10 14:57 pm - UCI Congress and Management Committee meetings in Melbourne

Posted by Editoress on 10/1/10

The International Cycling Union (UCI) Congress took place today in Melbourne (Australia) during the UCI Road World Championships. Earlier, the UCI Management Committee met in the same place.

During its meeting, the Management Committee agreed on the formal and complete merger of the UCI ProTour and “historical” calendars, which have come under the UCI World Calendar since 2009.

As a result of this decision, from the beginning of the 2011 season, all the world’s biggest races, which from now on make up the “UCI World Tour” (logo attached), will be subject to the same participation rules. The UCI ProTeams, the number of which will be limited to 18, will have the right to and be obliged to participate in all the UCI World Tour events, whereas organisers will be able to invite UCI Professional Continental Teams of their choice for the remaining places.

Although the conditions of registration for UCI ProTeams remain unchanged (sporting value as well as ethical, financial and administrative criteria), the sporting value will now be calculated each year according to a precise points system.

The Management Committee also approved a text ruling on the role of riders’ agents, proposed by the UCI ProTour Council (UPTC), which also met in Melbourne, on September 28th. This rule aims to increase the professionalism of the agents, standardising their functions and improving their monitoring.

In 2011 agents will sit exams, after which they will receive a UCI riders’ agent certificate, valid for four years.
Those wishing to practise this profession must then obtain a riders’ agent licence from their National Federation. This request can only be made by people certified by the UCI. From the 1st January 2012, all riders’ agents must meet these new requirements. The UCI will publish the list of approved agents on its website.

The Management Committee also approved the following calendars:
2011 UCI Road International Calendar (men)  (women)
2011 UCI Mountain Bike International Calendar
2011 UCI BMX International Calendar  
2011 UCI Para-cycling International Calendar
2011 UCI Indoor Cycling International Calendar

These calendars are also available on the UCI website

The members of the Management Committee then decided to create an Athletes’ Commission within the UCI, conforming to the wish of the International Olympic Committee. This will allow for athletes to be better represented in the decision process.

Finally, we note that the Congress welcomed a new country into the cycling family, Cambodia.

The UCI Road World Championships, images of which will be produced in high definition for the first time this year, continue this weekend with the road races for the Elite Women (Saturday) and the Elite Men (Sunday).

UCI Press Services


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