Canadian Cyclist


October 24/10 16:04 pm - Kelso Cross results and photos

Posted by Editoress on 10/24/10

Kelso Cross Citizen Race at Kelso Conservation Area, Milton Ontario
Presented by Speed River Cycling Club


Photos by Jon Safka,


Beginner Men, 14 km (Average Speed 22.7 km/h)
1 Greg Marshall (HB Cycling Club - CME.4) 0:37:05
2 Michael Aston (Independent - CME.4) at 0:11
3 Matt Zdriluk (Independent - XMU23.S) 1:21
4 Ian Gartley (Aquila/Racer Sportif/Mattamy H - RME.4) 1:40
5 Nathan Poulton (Independent - CME.4) 2:17
6 Brian Fritz (Team Eramosa - CME.4) 2:59
7 Nicholas Di Cristofaro (Midweek Cycling Club - CME.4) 3:19
8 Scott Milligan (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CME.4) 3:27
9 Robin Watt (St. Catharines Cycling Club - CME.4) 3:28
10 Andrew Flowers ( - Gears - CME.3) 3:43
11 Brandon Parker (Mountainview Cycling Club - CME.3) 4:08
12 Brett Liersch (Hamilton Cycling Club - CME.4) 4:54
13 Chris Eckart (Hamilton Cycling Club - CME.4) 5:01
14 Anthony Kingsley (Darkhorse Flyers - CME.4) 6:26
15 Jody Brown (Independent - CME.4) 7:02
16 Michael Clark (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - CME.4) 10:04
17 Sean Teschke (The Hub Race Team - CME.4) 11:39
18 Andrew Eckart (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - CME.4) 12:49
DNS Thomas Lowry (Independent - CME.4)
Cadet Men, 14 km (Average Speed 19.0 km/h)
1 Stefan Milosevic (Chain Reaction - CMU15) 0:44:15
DNS Sasa Milosevic (Chain Reaction - RMU11)
Master 3 Men, 14 km (Average Speed 21.3 km/h)
1 Scott Berman (Independent - CMM.3) 0:39:22
2 Mark Stuart (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - CMMA.3) at 0:45
3 David Hajek (Independent - CMM.3) 1:44
4 Mark Besednik (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CMMA.3) 2:09
5 Lee Shooter (Cobourg Cycling Club - CMMA.3) 2:33
6 Anthony Whetham (Impala Bicycles - CMMB.3) 4:18
7 Scott Wishart (Independent - CMMC.3) 4:22
8 William Packham (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CMMC.3) 4:49
9 Elmore Brenton (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - CMMD.3) 6:27
10 Rob Macewen (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CMMA.3) 6:45
11 Francis Morrow (Independent - CMMD.3) 10:26
12 Jeff Kielley (Independent - CMMC.3) 11:49
13 Don Gilroy (Independent - CMMC.3) -1 Lap
14 Phil Renaud (OMCA - RMMC.3) -1 Lap
15 Steve Hart (Independent - CMMB.3) -1 Lap
DNS David Beer (True North Cycles Race Team - CMMB.3)
DNS Gabe Faraone (ZM Cycle & Fitness Cycling Club - CMMB.3)
DNS Marc Sullivan (Independent - CMMB.3)
DNS Pierre Perrin (Team Nanoblur-Gears - CMMC.3)
DNS Chad Luedtke (Above Threshold - CMMB.3)
Master Women, 14 km (Average Speed 19.7 km/h)
1 Michelle Cordy (HB Cycling Club - CWMA) 0:42:42
2 Aly Armstrong (St. Catharines Cycling Club - CWMB) at 0:34
3 Lesley Chown (Team Cf - CWMA) 1:47
4 Carolyne Haill (Chain Reaction - CWMB) 2:26
5 Sandra Deegan (Ontario Masters Cycling Association - CWMB) 6:46
6 Leslie Greene (Chain Reaction - CWMB) 7:18
7 Colleen Mycroft (Impala Bicycles - CWMB) 11:01
8 Korina Besednik (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CWMB) -1 Lap
DNF Michelle Jackman (Coach / Ted Velikonja - CWMB)
DNS Andrea Bacik (Coach / Ted Velikonja - CWMB)
DNS Mari Evans (True North Cycles Race Team - CWMB)
Junior Men, 17.5 km (Average Speed 22.2 km/h)
1 Jason Massicotte (St. Catharines Cycling Club - CMJ) 0:47:15
Master 2 Men, 17.5 km (Average Speed 22.0 km/h)
1 Michael Tripp (Peterborough Cycling Club - CMMA.2) 0:47:43
2 Stephane Marcotte (ZM Cycle & Fitness Cycling Club - CMMA.2) at 0:22
3 Aaron Hendriks (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - CMMA.2) 0:48
4 Garnett Abbey (D'ornellas Racing Team - CMMB.2) 1:46
5 Tom Mackay (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - CMMC.2) 2:02
6 Marc Risdale (Hamilton Cycling Club - CMMA.2) 2:43
7 Michael Cranwell (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CMMB.2) 3:05
8 Rob Cheskey (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - CMMC.2) 3:17
9 Joel Rose (The Hub Race Team - CMMB.2) 3:36
10 Jeff Ker (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CMMB.2) 4:35
11 Shawn Conlon (Handlebars Cycling Company - CMMB.2) 5:50
12 Eric Sanders (Wheels of Bloor - CMMB.2) 6:36
13 Paul Dean (Cycles London Racing Team - CMMC.2) 8:32
DNF Paul Beit (Sweet Pete's - CMMA.2)
DNF Ron Spencer (Velocity Cycle And Ski - CMMC.2)
DNS Martin Kohn (Independent - CMMC.2)
DNS Kieran Maxwell (Chain Reaction - CMMB.2)
DNS Doug Richards (Elite Health - CMMB.2)
DNS Donald Smith (Elite Health - CMMB.2)
DNS Shaw Hasyj (The Hub Race Team - CMMA.2)
DNS Mike Vantil (Elite Health - CMMB.2)
DNS Chris Yeates (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - CMMB.2)
DNS Neil Armstrong (St. Catharines Cycling Club - CMMB.2)
Master 1 Men, 21 km (Average Speed 22.8 km/h)
1 Ed Makarchuk (Sound Solutions - CMMB.1) 0:55:09
2 Jeff Weber (Sound Solutions - CMMA.1) at 0:01
3 David Dermont (True North Cycles Race Team - CMMB.1) 1:06
4 Mark Pagell ( - CMMB.1) 3:11
5 Andrew Mcrae (Coach / Ted Velikonja - CMMA.1) 3:33
6 Scott Buschlen (Independent - CMMB.1) 4:04
7 Demetre Kalkounis (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - CMMA.1) 4:22
8 Jason Mottaz (Team Silent Sports - CMMA.1) 8:57
9 Glenn Cameron (Sound Solutions - CMMB.1) 9:27
DNF Chris Wood (Sound Solutions - CMMB.1)
DNS Hugh Hill ( - CMMB.1)
DNS Ted Ingram (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - CMMB.1)
DNS Paul Greene (Chain Reaction - CMMB.1)
DNS Paul Reinis (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CMMB.1)
DNS Pavle Stanojevic (Bikezone Racing - CMMA.1)
Elite Men, 24.5 km (Average Speed 24.5 km/h)
1 Nathan Chown (Handlebars Cycling Company - CME.1) 0:59:58
2 Zachary Hughes (The Hub Race Team - CMU23.2) at 0:13
3 Andrew Watson (Norco Factory Team - CME.2) 2:08
4 Peter Morse (Jet Fuel Coffee - CME.1) 3:45
5 Peter Mancini ( - CME.3) 4:10
6 Kevin Black (Wheels of Bloor - CME.2) 5:10
7 Marco Li (Darkhorse Flyers - CME.2) 5:28
8 Justin Henri (Handlebars Cycling Company - CMU23.2) 6:11
9 Andrew De Cal (Shorthills Cycling Club Race T - CMU23.2) 7:09
10 Alex Gibson ( - CME.4) 8:15
11 Mark Brusso (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CME.1) 8:20
12 Scott Fitzgerald (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CME.4) 8:48
13 Jeff Moote (The Hub Race Team - CME.3) -1 Lap
14 Guy Vankrimpen (St. Catharines Cycling Club - CME.2) -1 Lap
15 Chris Reid (Ride With Rendall - RME.2) -1 Lap
DNF Derek Hardinge (Lapdogs Cycling Club - CME.2)
DNS Isaac Smith (Darkhorse Flyers - CME.1)
DNS Erik Box (Cycles Devinci - CME.1)
DNS John Stewart (Mazurcoaching/Wheels of Bloor - CME.2)


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