Canadian Cyclist


November 15/10 10:38 am - BVC BareBones Track Event results

Posted by Editoress on 11/15/10

The Burnaby Velodrome Club BareBones Event took place in Burnaby BC on November 13th and 14th.

Congratulations to the following riders for their excellent results in two days of hard racing.

A Group
1 Zak Kovalcik
2 Mike Sidic
3 Kyle Buckowsky

B Group
1 Steve Grandy
2 Stuart Lynne
3 Richard Machheim

C Group
1 Ben Forsythe
2 Albert Dunford
3 Darcy Reno

1 Jasmin Glaesser
2 Lisa Perlmutter
3 Jenny Lehman

The full and final results for are posted here

Be sure to mark the following on you calendar: Burnaby 4 New Year Challenge running  December 27th to 30th.

We have tentatively scheduled another full day of racing for Saturday February 5th. We hope to make this an all day event, starting at 9:00AM and going until even the A Group gets tired late in the evening.

Don't forget that Friday racing continues through November and into December. And will pickup again early in January. The perfect way to keep in shape for Spring Series in March.

All information on the above and much MUCH more go to

Courtesy Burnaby Velodrome Club (BVC)


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