Canadian Cyclist


December 21/10 13:07 pm - PCC Third Winter Training Camp Scheduled

Posted by Editoress on 12/21/10

The Pacific Cycling Centre, Victoria, BC will be holding its third winter off-season training camps from January 20 -23, 2011. Led by Master Coach Houshang Amiri, the camp is open to all cyclists and triathletes who will find out what they need to know about how to build a 2010-2011 season foundation and fitness base. They will also have a unique opportunity to train and work with an Olympic coach and Olympic athletes.

The training camp will focus on an individual's needs helping them to identify training targets and build towards goals and dreams. Training will cover building base aerobic and endurance, techniques, core stability/endurance, flexibility and balance. There will be four group rides aiming to develop or improve base endurance and boost aerobic capacity. In addition there will be a dynamic indoor gym session and a presentation by Master Coach Houshang Amiri titled: Making Complicated Training Simple.

During the camp, participants will get direct feedback on strength, core stability and endurance, as well as flexibility by Coach Amiri, and receive full support and supervision during the training ride and sessions.

For more information, schedule and cost go to:


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