Canadian Cyclist


March 17/11 9:36 am - Hamilton Youth Cycling Mountain Biking for Kids ... & More

Posted by Editoress on 03/17/11

Hamilton Youth Cycling (HYC) is affiliated with the Ontario Cycling Association and aligned with current Long Term Athlete Development principles. We focus within the LTAD pathway:

Active Start: Learning to Ride
FUNdamentals: Loving to Ride Around
Learn to Train: Learning Cycling Skills
Train to Train: Building the Engine.

HYC leaders model the Active for Life: Staying on the Bike! stage as they foster the love of cycling in the kids they serve. Over 50 youth in 2010.

April Programs Youth Mountain Biking:

April 9: Sprockids Clinic (8-15yrs), Tour of Bronte, 9am - 1pm, Bronte Provincial Park (limit 25) - Register Here
April 10: Youth "Dirt Dash" MTB Races, Tour of Bronte - Register Here
April 16 - May 14 (Saturdays): Sprockids, Ancaster Rotary Centre, Jerseyville Rd., 9am-12pm (limit 16) - Register Here
April 17th: Sprockids Clinic (8-15yrs), ParisAncaster, 10:30am - 1:30pm, PA Reg & Finish Line, Ancaster (limit 25) - Register Here
Thursdays (Begin March 31st): Group HYC, Valley Park, Stoney Creek (Top of Red Hill Valley), 5pm - 7pm (limit16)

*Note: Registration limited due to coach / leader availability...we are looking for qualified candidates to staff larger / more groups.

Let us know ASAP if you are available. Adult riders with an interest in developing their skills as a ride leader are also needed to assist our cycling certified staff. Must be a full member of the Ontario Cycling Association directly or through an OCA affiliated club such as HYC. Coaching certification or background working with kids in another sport would be an asset.

"Hamilton Youth Cycling" would like to thank our young riders and their supporters for a tremendous first season (2010). Thank you also to the Forest City Velodrome Association and its volunteers for providing such incredible Track Cycling programs for all ages. It continues to be worth the trip to London. Finally, thank you to The City of Hamilton and the Paris 2 Ancaster organization for supporting the delivery of our quality youth cycling programs. Most recently, the Tour of Bronte has been added as a fundraiser event as well. Children can participate in the Tour of Bronte "Sprockids" clinic as a stand alone session, or register for both the Bronte session and the Ancaster 5 week program and get the Bronte session as a bonus (must fully register and pay for both, then receive a $25 rebate from HYC). The Paris Ancaster session continues to be popular for families so avoid disappointment and register soon.

In 2010, proceeds from our revenues supported travel costs to cycling venues (eg. Track for a Toonie / MTB O-Cups), Race Licenses / Entry Fees (3 riders, U15 fully supported for 2010 MTB O-Cup series), as well as weekly sessions in Hamilton for HYC members. For discussion on how you or your business could support youth riding bikes contact Hamilton Youth Cycling with your questions.

Contact (For membership and sponsorship opportunities):

Chris L Kiriakopoulos, NCCP Road Cycling L1, Certified Sprockids Instructor
Hamilton Youth Cycling, 279 Graham Ave S, L8K 2M7
(905) 537-0272


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