Canadian Cyclist


March 25/11 10:08 am - March 26 Trail Work Day at Hilton Falls postponed

Posted by Editoress on 03/25/11

Just when Hilton Falls was ready to open for Mountain Biking we find ourselves doing cross country ski trail grooming again. The park received a good dump of snow on Wednesday and as such the Trail Work Day scheduled for tomorrow Saturday March 26th is going to be postponed. The materials needed for the new bridge from Bog'd Up to Five Bridges can't be delivered out in to the forest and any rock work would be exceedingly difficult. A new date for the trail work will hopefully be made next week. Over 60 people had volunteered and we hope to see them at the new date in the near future. In the meantime the skiing is great so come out to Milton!

Courtesy Conservation Halton


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