Canadian Cyclist


March 30/11 10:13 am - Next Kelso Build Day April 16th

Posted by Editoress on 03/30/11

I have received lots of emails about the next build day so here it is.  High school kids be sure to bring your volunteer sheets to the build day so I can fill them out.

Note: Race day discount for all full day volunteers!

When: April 16 starting at 11am (rain date is April 17th starting at 11am)

Where: Kelso Conservation Area, Milton, Ontario. Meet at the Sunset chalet, go over the west rail way bridge, meet out front of Sunset chalet

If you come later on that is no problem, we'll be up on the west course so come and find us.

Why: These build days have given riders an understanding of course building, teach them how to build jumps, berms and other features, but more importantly it gets us all out together for a day of slinging dirt and keeps our biking community strong.

Courtesy Peter Appleton - Sirbikealot Racing


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