Canadian Cyclist


April 1/11 6:56 am - CCES & CCA to Implement Doping Controls at Grand Fondos

Posted by Editor on 04/1/11

The Canadian Cycling Association (CCA) and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) have teamed up to crack down on the growing incidence of the use of banned substances in the increasingly popular Grand Fondo rides across the country.

While details are still to be worked out, CCES testers will start showing up unannounced at Grand Fondo events this year.  The CCA will provide the names of licenced riders who are participating in the events, since it is these riders who are subject to doping regulations.  They hope to persuade event organizers to make participation in anti-doping programs mandatory for everyone who signs up an event.

"It has become increasingly clear that even at these so-called 'non-competitive' events, riders are resorting to the use of banned substances in order to obtain bragging rights over finishing order in the event," said a CCA spokesperson.  "We need to nip this in the bud."

Sanctions will include - in addition to the mandatory two year licence suspension - confiscation of pro quality bikes and pro team jerseys.

Already, some organizers are reporting that riders are cancelling registrations.

Currently, the famous Toronto Donut Ride is not scheduled for testing.


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