Canadian Cyclist


April 5/11 12:42 pm - Doping News

Posted by Editoress on 04/5/11

News on doping in the world of sports (various sources):

• WADA's scientific director, Olivier Rabin, has been quoted as stating that anti-doping officials could start targeting nicotine use as a performance-enhancing stimulant. Rabin said that scientific evidence supports the hypothesis that certain levels of nicotine use has similar effects to taking [banned] stimulants. Rabin said that it was not the objective of WADA to stop athletes from smoking.

Read the France 24 story.

• The director-general at WADA - David Howman - has floated the idea that the collection and testing of B samples should be scrapped to save time and money. Currently, samples provided by athletes are split into 'A' and 'B' portions, with the A sample tested for banned substances. If the A sample is negative then no further testing is done. If the A sample is positive, then the athlete has the right to have the B sample tested under observed circumstances. Sanctions are not implemented until the B sample has also been found to be positive for banned substances. WADA has been under pressure from the IOC (International Olympic Committee) to reduce the cost of testing procedures.

Reade the Carroll County Times story.

• U.S. cyclist Andrew Tilin has received a two year sanction for using synthetic testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA.

Read the KWGN Denver story



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