Canadian Cyclist


April 8/11 9:39 am - University of BC Looking for Bike Study Participants

Posted by Editoress on 04/8/11

Are you interested in cycling, air quality and impacts on your health? We invite you to participate in a research study on the health effects of air pollution among cyclists.

We are inviting recreationally active people aged 19-39 years to participate in a research study related to the health impacts of cycling in an urban environment. You will be asked to bicycle along two routes in Vancouver, while instruments on a bicycle measure the air pollution you are exposed to during the ride. You will be asked to provide a small blood sample and complete a non-invasive test of blood vessel health (similar to a blood pressure measurement) before and after each ride.

Each participant will need to bicycle for one hour on two occasions. Subjects must be non-asthmatic, and have no other cardiovascular or respiratory diseases.

If you are interested in learning more about the study, please contact:

Principal Investigator: Dr. Michael Brauer, Professor
School of Environmental Health
University of British Columbia


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