Canadian Cyclist


November 10/99 12:04 pm - Corrected 'Cross Results, Vote!

Posted by Editor on 11/10/99

Cyclo-cross Nationals Corrections

The CCA and the organizer have provided corrections to the results of the Cyclo-cross Nationals, held November 7th, at Mont Habitant, Quebec. Besides the change in the Elite Men category that we noted yesterday (Kris Westwood in 4th, not a lap down), there has been changes in the Junior men and Masters B Men categories. All other categories remain as previously posted. If you do not agree with these results, contact either the CCA or the event organizer. One other correction: the 3rd place finisher in the Master A Men category has his name spelt Eric Bethridge (as mentioned previously, we are working from hand-written faxed copies of the results). Photos from the Nationals will be up tomorrow morning.

Masters B Men - 40 minutes + 1 lap
1Gilles MorneauMVLQC46:13
2Ian StewartOBCQC2:27
3Greg ChristieInd.QC2:29
4Glen LaycockInd.ON3:55
5Leigh CarsonInd.ON4:19
6John EastonInd.ONat 1 lap
7Peter SchuckOBCON
8Guy MarcotteSherbrookeQC
9Bernard Vives?Espoirs LavalQCboth same
Junior Men - 40 minutes + 1 lap
1Peter SanowarSudburyON47:10
2Mathew HadleyKey DirtNBat 1:30
3Brook MacArthurWaterlooON2:08
4Richard Marquis Djracen??ON3:35
5Chris ReidMississaugaON3:48
6Arthur Kuczynski?QCat 1 lap
7Dominique RollinEspoirs LavalQC
8Kyle Roth?Ziggy'sON
9Maximi VivesEspoirs LavalQC
10J. Francois Darg??QCall same
11Adrian ChristieInd.QCat 2 laps
12Bjorn WebberInd.QCsame
Ryan RothWoodbridgeONAbandon


Only another day or two left to vote in the current poll on Downhill funding. So far, opinion seems to be 64% against funding DH when it is a non-Olympic sport. Register your opinion now.


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