Canadian Cyclist


November 11/99 1:25 am - Illawarra CC Track Results 10/11/99

Posted by on 11/11/99

Illawarra Cycle Club
Track Racing at Unanderra Results.
10th November 1999

Some good racing was had by the few keen track riders that turned up for racing on Wednesday ... A cool and slighty windy November night. The star of the night shone brightest over Chris Brown's head. I had the wrong gear on 98 inch Instead of 91.8 Silly me ... I thought I was just tired or something. Anywho, Luke Cooper is also on the improve and will have a good season. Ciao ... Scumbag ...

1. 20 lap Scratch Race
1st Chris Brown; 2nd Luke Cooper; 3rd Mick Kejda

2. Junior 3 Lap Derby
Heat 1 1st Rebecca Borgo; 2nd Jaclyn Kejda
Heat 2 1st Jaclyn Kejda; 2nd Rebecca Borgo
Heat 3 1st Jaclyn Kejda; 2nd Rebecca Borgo

3. Junior 3 Lap Derby
Heat 1 1st John Kejda; 2nd Aron Wyles
Heat 2 1st John Kejda ; 2nd Aron Wyles

4. C Grade 3 Lap Sprint Heats
Heat 1 1st Matt Feeney; 2nd Brendan Cato; 3rd Les Hewitt
Heat 2 1st Martyn Wyles; 2nd Alan Wilson

5. A + B Grade Combined 3 Lap Sprint Heats
Heat 1; 1st Chris Brown; 2nd Adrian White;
Heat 2 1st Luke Cooper; 2nd Matt Jones
Heat 3 ; 1st Mick Kejda; ; 2nd Steve Jackson

6. C Grade Miss N Out
1st Brendan Cato; 2nd Matt Feeney; 3rd Alan Wilson

7. A + B Grade Combined Miss N Out
1st Chris Brown; 2nd Mick Kejda; 3rd Luke Cooper

8. C Grade Sprint Final
1st Martyn Wyles; 2nd Brendan Cato; 3rd Matt Feeney

9. A + B Grade Combined Sprint Final
1st Chris Brown; 2nd Mick Kejda; 3rd Luke Cooper

10. Italian Pursuit
1st Front Straight: J Kejda, R Borgo, A Wilson, M Wyles, B Cato, S Jackson, C Brown
2nd Back Straight: A Wyles, J Kejda, L Hewitt, M Feeney, M Jones, A White, L Cooper

11. 15 Lap Scratch Race
1st Chris Brown; 2nd Matt Jones; 3rd Luke Cooper


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