Canadian Cyclist


April 18/11 8:59 am - Blizzard Bike Club News

Posted by Editoress on 04/18/11

Rocky Road Race - April 16th in Fort St John, BC

Grande Prairie's Blaine 'Cannonball' Richter won his third Rocky Road Race on Sunday, in a record time of 1:04:58 for the 38 kilometre, two lap distance. The previous fastest on the Peace View course was Blaine's 1:07:00 that he set in 2009.

Second was 2005 race winner Stephen Ferris at 1:11:00 and 2010 winner Kevin Shaw was third at 1:14:59. Taylor's George Gamble was fourth at 1:18:55 and 1998 winner Pat Ferris was fifth at 1:21:15. Dan Webster was sixth at 1:21:51 and Roger St. Jean seventh at 1:25:14. Ken Lane did 41:22 for the one lap.

Richard Moody won the 25 kilometre pavement event with 56:06 minutes. Davide Loro was second and Dian Loro third, both at 1:16:27.

Thank you to Jamie Gamble for timing!

The 'Peace View Painfest' is a 'new' Rocky Road route designed in 2008 by Rod Lewis and set in the hills of North Taylor. The route features a nine kilometre climb with a 2 to 15 degree gradient per lap. It all becomes a 75 kilometre an hour hair raising downhill run to the finish.

Twelve riders started out in surprisingly good conditions on a warm afternoon. Blaine Richter pulled away on the tough 15 degree climb and never looked back. The other riders dealt with the tough, gravelly climb and descent as they could.

Coming up:

The 26th Spring Stage Race starts Thursday night with a Baldonnel time trial at 6:30 pm. This is the first of seven races that happen over the next eight days.

Pat Ferris is the 2010 defending champion and has won this event six times. Blaine Richter of GP has been a winner in 2008.

Jolea Bilodeau is the defending Women's winner. Barb Polehoykie has won it six times and Lisa Verbisky four times.

This is always a hotly contested event.

The Spring Stage events are:

Thurs April 21st - Stage 1 - Baldonnel time trial - 6:30 pm

Friday April 22nd - Stage 2- Beatton River Hill climb - 10 am

Friday April 22nd - Stage 3 - Frozen John loop - 2 pm

Sat April 23rd - Stage 4 - Beatton Park to 62 and back - 2 pm

Sun April 24th - Stage 5 - Cecil Lake Road Race - 2 pm

Tues April 26th - Stage 6 - Wood Corner to Beatton park on 246 rd - 6:30 pm

Thurs April 28th - Stage 7 - Baldonnel time trial - 6:30 pm


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