Canadian Cyclist


November 17/99 12:24 pm - Online Auction, OCA AGM, CC Store

Posted by Editor on 11/17/99

Online Auction

You may have noticed a link to the PacificSport National Cycling Centre online auction. If you go in, you will find that we are running a fundraising auction for this organization in Victoria - home to the national mountain bike team. All monies raised go directly to the Centre.

There will be a number of auction items going up over the next few days, and you will be able to bid online until November 30th at 5:00 pm EST. Among the items donated are signed jerseys from such Canadian cycling stars as Alison Sydor, Curt Harnett and Genevieve Jeanson (plus others still to come). There is also a wide assortment of bike swag, including a Marzocchi Superfly fork (courtesy Rocky Mountain), a Burley Trailer (courtesy Burley) and Roach cycle armour (courtesy Roach Clothing). There are many more items going up over the next couple of days.

1999 OCA Annual General Meeting
(courtesy Ralph Neumann)

The meeting will be held November 20th at the Sport Alliance Building located at:

1185 Eglinton Avenue East
North York, Ontario
M3C 3C6

The meeting will be held in the cafeteria rooms located in the basement. The meeting is scheduled to start at 1:00pm sharp. Admittance is restricted to current members of the O.C.A. Please bring your current membership card or Race Licence.

Note: The entrance is actually one block south of Eglinton on the East side of Don Mills Road. The street to turn onto is called Rochefort Dr. Proceed along Rochefort turning on Ferrand Dr., the second left. You will find a large parking lot up the road on the left side.


Event Date Fixing -- 9:30am - 12:00pm
Annual General Meeting -- 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Race Committee Meetings -- 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Happy Birthday To...

Mountain biker Ryan Dey, today.

New At the CC Store

We have added a number of new videos to the CC Store, including a whole new section of Training and Spin videos. There is also a really excellent video on Fausto Coppi, and the award winning Breaking Away movie. As a bonus, many of the current videos have had substantial price reductions (as noted). The Graham Watson calendar promotion is still underway - buy one road video, get the calendar for $9.99; buy two and get it for fee.

Finally, don‚t leave it too late to pick up your cycling Christmas cards. Just click on the CC Store link at the top of your screen.


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