Canadian Cyclist


January 6/00 12:01 pm - National Calendar & Rule Changes, Ontario Officials Course

Posted by Editor on 01/6/00

National Calendar Changes

We have been told that a revised national calendar is on its way to us, and we will post it as soon as it arrives. However, there are a couple of major changes that have been confirmed:

Mountain Bike Nationals are in Camp Fortune, but move from July 28-30 to July 21-23 so that they no longer conflict with a Norba National Series event.

The Saskatchewan Canada Cup #4 moves from July 1-2 to July 29-30, putting western Canada Cups all together

Domestic Equipment Rule Changes
(courtesy CCA)

The CCA has released its Domestic Equipment Policy for 2000, in response to the rules changes effected by the UCI.

As you are no doubt aware, the UCI will be introducing a number of new design specific equipment regulations effective January 1st 2000. These new regulations will have a major impact on the legality of certain bicycle designs, technical innovations, and bio-mechanic considerations. Although UCI has for some time publicized the implementation these changes, the CCA is concerned about the transitional impact especially for domestic athletes not competing at an international level.

The CCA Development Committee has recently ruled that for domestic level competition, the equipment rules outlined in the 1999 UCI/CCA regulations, will be applied across Canada. This period of leniency will in place for the duration of the 2000 competitive season only. As of January 1st 2001, all events in Canada will comply with the most up to date equipment rules.

The UCI equipment rules, as defined at that moment in time, will be enforced, as of January 1st, 2000 for the following events: National Championships, International events registered on the UCI calendar, record attempts, and National Team selection events.

Note: Veteran / Master categories will be exempt from the new equipment regulations at the 2000 National Championships.

Not all of the equipment issues are clearly defined at this time. As is often the case with the introduction of new regulations, the wording of the various technical requirements is open to a range of interpretations.

The UCI has been inundated with questions concerning the new regulations. There is little doubt that the UCI will be obligated to clarify the exact interpretation of certain specific requirements as the season progresses. Even with additional clarification, there will still be room for some degree of interpretation from one official to the next.

The best source for updates will be the UCI web site: The CCA will circulate all pertinent information that becomes available to the provincial associations and will post similar updates on the CCA web site for the benefit of the general membership:

Comme vous le savez déjà, l‚UCI présente cette année plusieurs règlements concernant le design d‚équipements spécialisés. Ces règlements entrent en vigueur le 1er janvier 2000. Ceci aura bien évidemment des conséquences majeures sur la légalisté de certains designs de vélos ainsi que sur les innovations techniques, en plus des considérations biomécaniques. Bien que l‚UCI ait rendu publique la mise en place de ces changements, l‚ACC a cru bon de faire circuler de nouveau ces modifications afin que les athlètes régionaux aient autant accès à l‚information que les athlètes internationaux.

Le comité de développement de l‚ACC a récemment déclaré que les règlements, cités dans le livre de règlements de l‚UCI/ACC 1999 concernant l‚équipement, seraient appliqués tels quels à travers le Canada, lors des compétitions de niveaux provincial. Cette période d‚indulgence s‚étendra uniquement durant la saison de compétition 2000. A partir du 1er janvier 2001, toutes les épreuves cyclistes au Canada devront se conformer aux règlements concernant l‚équipement, le plus à jour.

Dès 1er janvier 2000, les règlements UCI sur l‚équipement, tels que définis à ce moment, seront appliqués strictement lors des épreuves suivantes: les Championnats nationaux, les épreuves internationales inscrites au calendrier UCI, les tentatives de record et les épreuves de sélection pour l‚équipe nationale.

Note : Lors des Championnats nationaux 2000, les catégories Vétérans/Maîtres seront exemptées de la nouvelle règlementation de l‚équipement.

A noter que toutes les questions relatives à l‚équipement ne sont pas clairement définies à ce jour. Comme c‚est souvent le cas lors de la venue d‚une nouvelle règlementation, la formulation des différentes exigences techniques est sujette à plusieurs interprétations.

L‚UCI a été inondée de questions concernant cette nouvelle régulation. Il est évident que l‚UCI devra clarifier l‚interprétation exacte de certaines exigences spécifiques, au fur et à mesure que la saison évoluera. Même en clarifiant davantage, il y aura quand même place à certains degrés d‚interprétation, d‚un officiel à un autre.

La meilleure façon de vous informer des nouvelles mises à jour, est de consulter le site internet de l‚UCI: De son côté, l‚ACC fera circuler toute information pertinente et affichera des mises à jour similaires sur le site internet de l‚ACC, pour le bénéfice de tous les membres:

Ontario Commissaire Course

The Ontario Cycling Association will be conducting a Commissaire/Technical Assistant course on the weekend of January 22/23, 2000 at the Sport Alliance Building in Toronto. The classes are held 9h00 to 16h00 each day. Those who wish to become a Commissaire or receive a Team Manager's licence are required to attend both days of instruction. Fee $80.

Those who wish to become a Technical Assistant are only required to attend the first day of instruction. Fee $50. All cheques can be made payable to the Ontario Cycling Association. Pre-registration is required by Friday, January 14, 2000. Please call (416) 426-7241 to reserve. When you leave a message, please make sure you leave your phone number and/or e-mail address as you will be contacted prior to the course to confirm your reservation and to receive special advance instructions for the course.

The Sport Alliance Building is located at 1185 Eglinton Avenue East, North York On.

Bradley Day
V P Development OCA

Specialized at the Tour

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Masi Dead

Italian Faliero Masi, inventor of the oversized Volumetrica steel tubing, and builder of some of the prettiest bikes you could ever dream of, died on January 4th.


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