Canadian Cyclist


June 17/11 13:06 pm - XTERRA Duathlon at Hardwood Ski and Bike on June 18th

Posted by Editoress on 06/17/11

The XTERRA Duathlon will be held at Hardwood this Saturday and consist of a 4 km trail run, 18 km mountain bike ride and 4 km trail run.  The run and bike courses use completely different trails.  The run course is on double track cross country ski trails and the mountain bike course will be a very friendly mix of double track and fun, flowing single track trails.   The mountain biking portion of the Duathlon is for riders of any ability level.

Age Groups for Male and Female categories are:
66 yrs and under, 17-19 yrs, 20-34 yrs, 35-49 yrs, 50 yrs+

Saturday June 18 with the race starting at 10:00 am. 
After the race there will be a BBQ and awards will be held at noon.

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