Canadian Cyclist


June 18/11 10:13 am - Canadian Four-Cross Mountain Bike Championships Cancelled

Posted by Editoress on 06/18/11

Athletes are encouraged to participate at UCI World Cup in Mont-Sainte-Anne, QC

The Canadian Cycling Association (CCA) is announcing the unfortunate decision to cancel the 2011 edition of the Canadian 4X Mountain Bike Championships.

The CCA investigated several different venues and solutions in hosting this event, however no sustainable and viable option was retained and it has been forced to make the difficult decision.

The CCA strongly encourages affected athletes to attend the UCI World Cup in Mont-Sainte-Anne, which is held July 1-3, 2011. Athletes in interested in competing at the world-class event can contact Mountain Bike coordinator Nicholas Vipond ( by Wednesday June 22.

As a result of the cancellation, the CCA is currently in the process of reviewing and modifying its 2011 4X World Championship team selection criteria and will be posting a new criteria shortly.

Courtesy CCA


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