Canadian Cyclist


January 23/00 4:20 am - New Ontario Group?

Posted by Editor on 01/23/00

New Ontario Cycling Group?

Hello cyclists,
I am passing on this invitation to attend a meeting of a new cycling group. They are looking for grassroots involvement and their goal is to build a strong provincial voice for non-competitive cyclists as the Ontario Cycling Association has recently decided to concentrate solely on racing.

Please respond to Israel Chackowicz by Jan 30th if you are interested.

February 5/00 Ontario Cycling Meeting Agenda @ Metro Hall Toronto

9 am

1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Status Report from Sub Committees
* Constitution and Non Profit Group Registration, Speakers Issie & Mike
* Communications
* Finance, Speakers Dave Hunt

10 am

4. Constitution - Comments, Suggestions, Group Name, Adoption / Actions
5. Priority Initiative Identification
6. Sub Committee work for ongoing sub-committees
* members for new sub-committees

Noon - Lunch

1:30 pm

7. OCA Representative - Response, comments, suggestions re new group

2 pm

8. Election/appointment of recording secretary
* Board of Directors nominations
9. External communication strategy

3:30 pm

10. Other Business
* Ont. Trails Council presentation
* MTO Bicycle Safety Team - Invitation to send rep. to next meeting,
Speakers Dave Hunt

5 pm

11. Next Meeting - Place, date, agenda items, agenda committee, communications co-ordinator.


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