Canadian Cyclist


August 11/11 20:39 pm - Fundraiser for Derrek Ivey

Posted by Editoress on 08/11/11

The Morning Glory Cycling Club (MGCC) is holding a fundraiser on Monday, August 15th, to assist aspiring Ontario racer Derreck Ivey in his goals of jumping to the next level in his cycling career.  The goal of the fundraiser is to build the financial support necessary for Derrek to realize his cycling aspiractions, and to make Leaside residents proud!

Date: Monday, August 15th

Venue: Gears Bike Shop (109 Vanderhoof Avenue, Toronto)

Time: 7:30 pm

Expected numbers: >150

Social/drinks, silent auction, 50/50 draw

Twitter: mgridetoronto
Facebook: Morning Glory Cycling Club


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