Canadian Cyclist


August 12/11 11:47 am - Peter Glassford Pre Leadville 100 Interview

Posted by Editoress on 08/12/11

Peter Glassford (Trek Canada) will be making his first attempt at the epic marathon Leadville 100 this weekend in Colorado. CC '"spoke" to Peter via email last night.  glassford

Canadian Cyclist: Is this your first time at Leadville?

Peter Glassford: Yes, I am a rookie here for sure ! The area is beautiful and Lifetime Fitness staff are awesome. Today the race organizer literally held my hand and took care of some registration issues for me!

CC: You are not normally a marathon rider? So what made you decide to do the Leadville?

PG: For 2011 I certainly have focused on cross country races, training intensities and skill development. With goals in XCO, I was definitely on the fence early in the season when I found out I had got into the race. I was wondering what kind of prep I would have for such a big challenge as Leadville but the season turned out so front loaded that I was able to fit in a few prep races and 3-4 good weeks of specific training post Nationals.

CC: Did you have to qualify to enter?

PG: Leadville uses a Lottery system to funnel the thousands of riders down to around 1400, apparently Dave Wiens (6 time winner) didn't get in the first year he tried !

CC: What are your expectations?

PG: I have had really good prep, the best bike in the race (that's right I said it!) and all the support I could ask for so ... I'm expecting a super hard adventure. So hard to tell as first timer but training on course seems to have me sustaining a 22+ km/ hr type average speed so definitely fighting in under 7 hours if I take care of myself out there. I plan to fight for places out there but will be tough to tell how things turn out as there are MANY awesome guys and gals here racing. Officially registered are Alban Lakata - 2010 Marathon World Champ (Ergon), Todd Wells and 4 strong Cannondale guys (Bishop, Tinker, Alex Grant, Tim Johnson). Gretchen Reeves, Pua mata and last year's winner Rebbeca Rusch will be right up too ! I have missed a few others for sure that will be a factor but will say Lance rumors are swirling around Leadville and the internet !

CC: You do realize that 100 miles = 160.9 km? at altitude....

PG: Yes the math does not lie, especially when you add 12,500+ feet of climbing and altitudes from 9-12,500 ft into the mix. I believe they actually add 3 extra miles so its a long day on the bike. The altitude, the length and the climbing are huge issues that need to be respected. Proper hydration and fueling along with perfect pacing will help but at the end of the day a huge engine and a gigantic capacity for discomfort will be the deciding factor. I am attracted to the idea that if you go out and work hard and make good choices you can really determine your day, it's a little different then xc where start position, technical aspects, super high intensity and technology can play a very big role aside from just working hard and eating lots !

CC: Have you looked into Canadian Results or best finish for Under 30 riders ?

PG: Actually yes I have, claiming those titles would be awesome. Not sure what the actual figures are but hopefully when the dust settles Saturday and I have some time on the couch to recover I can add those 2 bonus results to a great overall result at 2011 Leadville 100 !

CC: When does the race happen ?

PG:  6:30am Leadville start time (8:30am Est) on Saturday August 13th


Peter Glassford's blog



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