Canadian Cyclist


September 22/11 10:12 am - FCV Memorial Madison Challenge this weekend

Posted by Editoress on 09/22/11

The Forest City Velodrome (FCV) is pleased to present the Madison Challenge in memory of Albert Coulier (FCV Founding member) who passed away in March.  Albert loved Madison racing and the members of the FCV thought the 3 day weekend of racing would be a fitting tribute.

What a fitting way to kick off the Winter season at the FCV.  3 days of tough, tongue dragging, show no mercy, give no gifts, thrills and chills, and the best Madison racing in the country.

Racing begins on Friday Night at 7pm.  There will over 20 teams on the boards in 3 divisions. Riders will be coming from across Ontario as well as our friends from the United States will be attending the 3 days of action.

Saturday night the races get going at 7pm, and Sunday afternoon the show will begin at 1pm.

We promise the racers will go home with sore legs and the spectators will be throughly entertained.

Adult admission is $10.00, Seniors are $5.00, Kids are always "FREE".


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