Canadian Cyclist


February 23/00 9:53 am - Participate, More U.S. Results, Euro Results

Posted by Editor on 02/23/00

Please Participate

Curt Harnett forwarded this letter to us, and we are asking that you take the time to read it, print it off, sign it and fax or mail it to the Finance Minister.

Dear sport community:

In order to properly position the amateur sport community in our ongoing efforts to strengthen the system, here's how your organization can assist: send a copy of this letter to your M.P.

Thanks for your assistance.

Lane MacAdam
Canada Games Council

Chere communiaute sportive:

Afin de bien positionner le sport amateur et pour faire avancer le system, voici ce que votre organisation peut faire: envoyez une copie de la lettre ci-jointe a votre député(e) parlementaire.

Merci de votre collaboration

February 10, 2000

The Honourable Paul Martin
Minister of Finance
Room 515-S
Centre Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario

Fax: (613) 992-4291

Dear Minister Martin:

The November 1998 report of the Sub-committee on the Study of Sport (the Mills Committee) provided a measure of the powerful economic impact of sport in Canada. This report clearly identified how much sport contributes to building healthier and productive citizens in communities across Canada. Much of the debate following the release of the report centered on professional sport, the impact of which should not be underestimated. However, Canadians have not lost sight of the importance of amateur sport, where there is broad consensus on its economic and social value from all political parties and the general public.While Canadians were not prepared to support federal government financial assistance to small market professional hockey teams in Canada, there is widespread support for the federal government's involvement in amateur sport.

87% of Canadians strongly or moderately support government support of amateur sporting events OMNITEL, 1999.

Amateur sport in Canada is an excellent investment and one of the few activities that contributes to a number of important concerns to Canadians: health, education, employment, youth development, moral development, social cohesion, unity and hope for the future. Its recommendations offer some very progressive ways of maximizing these benefits for all Canadians, considering that:

- For every 10% increase in the number of active Canadians, there is a$5 billion reduction in health care.
- Amateur sport and related industries employ more people than forestry, food industries, printing, publishing, car manufacturing, fishing and mining industries in Canada.
- Amateur sport and related industries contribute more to Canada's Gross Domestic Product than wood industries, fishing, and aircraft industries.
- Amateur sport contributes to the physical, social and moral development of young people - active participants are less likely to smoke, use illicit drugs, leave school, have unwanted pregnancies, or engage in criminal activity.
- Sport is one of the few remaining areas of our lives where people are allowed to dream and hope.
- Amateur sport is also the second largest voluntary industry in Canada (behind religious activity), contributing to social cohesion and community development across Canada.
- Amateur sport is how we present our national character on the world stage, particularly in this Olympic year.

As the government of Canada considers how it will continue to invest in the well being of Canadians in the next federal budget, we urge you to re-invest in amateur sport - it's everybody's business, and it makes a difference.

Yours in Sport

Jean Guy Ouellet
c/o 409- 1600 James Naismith Dr
Gloucester, Ontario
K1B 5N8
(819) 821-8000 ext. 2334

on behalf of:

Athletes CAN
Athletes Council- Canadian Olympic Association
Canadian Canoe Association
Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport
Canada Games Council
Canadian Hockey Association
Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity
Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union
Canadian Olympic Association
Canadian Wheelchair Sports Association
Coaching Association of Canada
Commonwealth Games Association of Canada
Spirit of Sport Foundation
Swimming Natation Canada
Canadian Council of Provincial and Territorial Sport Federations
(on behalf of Sport B.C., Sport Yukon, Sport North, Sport Nunavut, Sask Sport, Sport Manitoba, Sports Quebec, Sport Alliance of Ontario, Sport Newfoundland and Labrador, Sport N.B., Sport N.S., Sport P.E.I)

cc. The Honourable Jean Chrétien
The Honourable Sheila Copps
The Honourable Denis Coderre

Email distribution list provided by SIRC at:
or visit us at:

Tour of the Sun, Arizona


Stage 1 TT

1. Gord Fraser Mercury

47. Charles Dionne Team Canada
64. Greg Bourque Murietta
65. Scott Price Landis
77. Nat Faulkner Kissena/Casati
82. Chris Worsfold Victoria Elite
83. Mark Kaufman Seacor Jana
94. Maurice Worsfold Victoria Elite

Stage 2 Road Race

7. Fraser
23. Faulkner
31. Bourque
40. Chris Worsfold
58. Kaufman
68. Maurice Worsfold
72. Price
DNF Dionne

Stage 3 Criterium

1. Fraser

21. Maurice Worsfold
30. Kaufman
48. Faulkner
50. Chris Worsfold
58. Bourque
DNF Price

Final GC

1. Fraser 5:04:07

33. Bourque at 3:43
37. Faulkner 3:57
42. Chris Worsfold 4:14
52. Kaufman 5:34
62. Maurice Worsfold 7:45


Stage 1 TT

1. Erin Carter Elita
2. Annie Gariepy Elita

4. Stacey Spencer Helen's Cycles
8. Melanie Dorion Elita
9. Allyson Fox RNH
17. Sophie St-Jacques Elita

Stage 2 Road Race

1. Carter
2. Gariepy

4. Fox
8. St-Jacques
12. Spencer
21. Dorion

Stage 3 Criterium

1. Gariepy
2. Carter

6. Dorion
9. Spencer
21. St-Jacques
29. Fox

Final GC

1. Carter 3:53:07
2. Gariepy at 0:50
3. Spencer 6:58

7. Fox 7:27
13. Dorion 7:47
16. St-Jacques 8:07

Tour of Valencia, Spain

Stage 1 - Sagunto 154 km

1. Javier Pascual Llorente (Esp) Kelme-Costa Blanca 4:17:18
2. Laurent Jalabert (Fra) Once-Deutsche Bank
3. Antonio Tauler (Esp) Kelme-Costa Blanca
4. Juan Carlos Dominguez (Esp) Vitalicio Seguros
5. Giuseppe Di Grande (Ita) Festina
6. Andrei Kivilev (Kaz) Ag2R-Prevoyance
7. Wladimir Belli (Ita) Fassa Bortolo
8. Jose Alberto Martinez (Esp) Euskaltel-Euskadi
9. Abraham Olano (Esp) Once-Deutsche Bank all s.t.
10. Erik Dekker (Ned) Rabobank at 0:25

24. Michael Boogerd (Ned) Rabobank 0:27
27. Vjatceslav Ekimov (Rus) US Postal Service 3:34
31. Jonathan Hall (Aus) Festina
32. Armin Meier (Sui) Saeco-Valli & Valli
45. Marco Pantani (Ita) Mercatone Uno
56. Christian Vandevelde (USA) US Postal Service all s.t.
84. David Clinger (USA) Festina 9:41
92. Richard Virenque (Fra) Team Polti
93. Mario Cipollini (Ita) Saeco-Valli & Valli
96. Andrea Tafi (Ita) Mapei-Quick Step
107. Lance Armstrong (USA) US Postal Service
110. Erik Zabel (Ger) Telekom
111. Axel Merckx (Bel) Mapei-Quick Step
113. Ivan Gotti (Ita) Team Polti
115. George Hincapie (USA) US Postal Service
118. Frankie Andreu (USA) US Postal Service
142. Alex Zuelle (Sui) Banesto
148. Michele Bartoli (Ita) Mapei-Quick Step all s.t.


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