Canadian Cyclist


October 2/11 9:24 am - Forest City Velodrome Offers Weekend Track Retreat

Posted by Editoress on 10/2/11

In a effort to accelerate skills development for groups of riders, the Forest City Velodrome is inviting interested riders to participate in weekend track retreats for adults.

These Friday - Sunday retreats are aimed at riders (teams) who have completed Track 1 and want to advance their riding skills.

During the retreat weekend there would be 6-8 hours of track time. Graduates will be able to handle most if not all skills and drills that they would encounter in sport training and race training workouts.

The weekend of the first retreat will be Friday November 11th - Sunday November 13th. The cost of the weekend will be $200.00. All participants will be responsible for their own food and accomodation.

This is a breakdown of what to expect:

Friday 6pm - 6:30pm Arrival and introduction
Friday 6:30pm - 9pm Track refresher, skills workout
Saturday 11am - 12:30pm Drills workout
Saturday 5:30pm - 8pm Speed skills and drills (mock racing)
Saturday 9pm Dinner at local establishment
Sunday 9am - 11:30am Final skills and drills workout

NOTE: Space is limited to 20 riders.
Book your space today:


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