Canadian Cyclist


November 3/11 9:31 am - Give Your Support to an Edmonton Track

Posted by Editoress on 11/3/11

We have a chance to have an indoor cycling track included in a new Rec Centre proposed in Edmonton. Having a track at this proposed high-profile facility helps ALL cyclists, it raises the stakes in Canada.

Please ask anyone who supports cycling to send the City of Edmonton a very short online question form so they hear from cyclists: FEEDBACK

Question 4 is the important one. They can check "I support this concept with the following suggestions________" and fill the blank with something like "Yes it is important to include a year-round cycling track".

(We try NOT to use the "V word" (velodrome). It is easier for the public to understand and support a "TRACK").

NON-RESIDENTS can help - fill out Question 1: Other_______ and write something like: "I live in (Quebec or Vancouver or _____) and want to come to Edmonton to use a cycling track."

And that's ammo for YOU - you can then say "Edmonton has one, OUR CITY deserves one too!" - good politics!

Please shareon  FACEBOOK so you and your friends are in the loop.

P.S.: If you have friends who are into TRIATHLON, think of the potential: The centre that could have a cycling track is next to the Coronation POOL, and the Groat ITU course RUNNING trail to the River Valley - NEED I SAY MORE?


This will help the city will see the value! Thank you!

Courtesy Alan Schietzsch


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