Canadian Cyclist


November 12/11 16:58 pm - Hamilton Velodrome Group Launches Fundraising Campaign

Posted by Editoress on 11/12/11

Although Hamilton City Council has voted against increasing their share of the costs associated with building the velodrome (see Hamilton Velodrome - Gone with a Whimper) for the 2015 Pan Am Games, leading to the Pan Am organizing committee deciding to look for other venues, a private group has now been formed to solicit support and funding pledges towards keeping the velodrome in the Hamilton area. Below is an explanation of the campaign and a link to a form for making a pledge.

Members of the Canadian Cycling Community,

The Hamilton Velodrome Campaign Cabinet was formed in October 2011 to help build support from the business and cycling community and to raise private funds to contribute to the cost of constructing a permanent, world-class indoor velodrome as part of the 2015 Pan Am Games.

Private citizens, City Staff, and a host of professionals have completed comprehensive planning over the past four years to ensure that the velodrome will become a successful, sustainable and valuable asset for the City, for the cycling community and for Canada. No other municipality has done the required work to ensure that the facility is a long-term success.

The Hamilton Velodrome Campaign Cabinet is comprised of leaders from business, from the cycling industry and from the competitive cycling world.

Mark Chamberlain, President of Trivaris Inc. is the Honourary Chair of the Cabinet.

Other members of the Cabinet include:

Romeo Andretta - Uno Imports (Pinarello and Giordana Canada)
Steve Bauer - Director Sportif of Team Spidertech Powered by C10 and Olympic Medalist
Patrick Bermingham - CEO of Bermingham Construction
Curt Harnet - Olympic Medalist and World Record Holder
Clara Hughes - Olympic Champion
Andrew Iler - Lawyer
Rob MacIsaac - President of Mohawk College
Dennis Mills - Former CEO and VP of Magna
Kristen Sears - Ontario Youth Champion
Gord Singleton - 3-Time World Champion
Phil White - Co-Founder of Cervélo

The Cabinet has been working hard since its formation and has already raised several hundreds of thousands of dollars in pledges to help meet our goal of raising an initial $1 million dollars to kick off the campaign.

It is our intention to demonstrate in a meaningful way to the City of Hamilton and to the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games organization that we have both the desire and the capacity to support the velodrome here in Hamilton.

Attached is a PLEDGE FORM that you can print out and return to the address provided. We will be pleased to receive both large and small pledges in support of the velodrome.

Your pledges will only be called in if Hamilton is awarded the velodrome.

Please do not delay filling out and returning your Pledge Forms. We would ask that you take a few minutes now to send in your commitment to a permanent velodrome being built in Hamilton.

We need members of the cycling community and all those who believe in improving our amateur and high performance sports infrastructure to stand up and be counted now.

Please don't delay in making your pledge.

Thank you.

The Hamilton Velodrome Campaign Cabinet


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