Canadian Cyclist


January 25/12 9:18 am - ExpoCycle Returns To Toronto & Condenses Show Dates For 2012

Posted by Editoress on 01/25/12

The Bicycle Trade Association of Canada (BTAC) announces the return of ExpoCycle, Canada's National Bike Show, to Toronto, Ontario.  Managed and produced by BTAC, ExpoCycle is the largest and only show of its kind in Canada's cycling industry.  ExpoCycle will take place September 8-10, 2012 at the Direct Energy Centre located in downtown Toronto.

"A number of factors came into consideration when we reviewed ExpoCycle and evaluated plans for the future with the BTAC Board of Directors.  We reviewed how Canadian bike retailers responded to an on-line survey and they indicated there was a strong need to see ExpoCycle move host cities. Toronto was a top choice for 2012 and the Direct Energy Centre is a world class facility and hosts many of the leading Canadian trade and consumer events," stated Janet O'Connell, BTAC Executive Director

The 2012 show will also see a condensed number of show days, starting off with a Public Day on Saturday, September 8th, followed by two Industry Days on Sunday, September 9th and Monday, September 10th.  Building on last year's first Public Day, ExpoCycle will once again provide consumers with a one day exclusive opportunity to see firsthand the latest cycling products on display by over 800 brands.

"Last year we opened ExpoCycle to the public for the first time in history.  The show floor saw a steady flow of consumers and exhibitors responded in strong support of continuing with the public day.  Many Retailers also took advantage of the additional day to attend the show to hold more appointments with exhibitors.  While we are building the public component of the show BTAC is still very committed to the business of our bike retailers, and will be continuing to enhance the experience for our attending retailers with education and networking opportunities," commented Sumar Clarke, ExpoCycle Show Director.

BTAC is currently forming a local organizing committee to create awareness of the Public Day through Toronto's cycling communities and to develop opportunities with local cycling groups.  This committee will play a key role and work with BTAC Staff to develop features and events for the Public Day.

Press release


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