Canadian Cyclist


March 13/00 12:11 pm - Canberra Report, Montreal World Cup, Canada Summer Games Course

Posted by Editor on 03/13/00

Women's Road World Cup #1 - Canberra, Australia
(courtesy national coach Jacques Landry)

20 laps of a 5,1km circuit for 102kms

After a slight delay securing the course the race took off at an easy pace. It took about 15kms before the pack was in the mood for racing. And one of the first initiators of the race was none other than Geneviève Jeanson, who decided to put in a good pace in the feed zone like Hanka Kupfernagel did a year before. That move managed to break the field up a bit, but there were still about 45 women still in the pack.

The first important move came a couple of laps later when Miryam Melchers, Janita Coleman and Mari Holden went up the road. A few kms later the pack caught back up to the three escaped riders and the pace went down again.

The next action would come when Odessa Gunn took off solo and got up to a bit less than a minute lead on a pack that didn't seem to be bothered by a solo rider off the front. Aside from a few tries from Geneviève Jeanson and some other women, there would be no real action in the main pack.

With 5 to 6 laps to go, Odessa having been out on her own for around 8 laps, Saturn and the Dutch team started to bring Odessa back. The pace behind still was not furious but Odessa was coming back. At that point and time, it was apparent that this race would be a sprint finish.

At two laps to go Geneviève put yet another attack in and brought Juanita Felhahn with her but right behind the two was the pack.

From that point on, it was all a position race and who else but the Dutch and the Saturn teams would take control.

In the end, Anna Wilson would take the win with 2 Dutch riders finishing 2nd and 3rd.

As for the Canadians, Anne Samplonious took 6th place, Sandy Espeseth 12th and 14th place went to Erin Carter. As for Geneviève, she lost a lot of positions fighting for a place for the sprint and ended up right behind the main group.

For Geneviève, it was another learning experience...

All in all, good job girls!!!

Montreal World Cup Website

The website for the Montreal Women's World Cup is now up - click on the link in the upper left corner of your browser. Currently, there is circuit information and maps on the site; we expect receive more information over the next week or so. The event is also looking for volunteers - check the Contact page.

Canada Summer Games Test Event/Springbank Park Road Race

This is an opportunity for all athletes participating in the 2001 Canada Summer Games to come to London Ontario to ride and race the actual course used for the Games.

The test event will take place on Sunday, May 7th 2000 as part of the Ontario Cup Road Race Series.

All the volunteers of the Sport Organizing Committee for the Games, Members of the London Centennial Wheelers and the City of London welcome you to our city for this exciting event.

The race has been changed from previous years to include a 21 km loop through the City of London, Lambeth and Byron. Each loop takes you through Springbank Park but in the opposite direction from previous years. This is a very challenging race with over 200 volunteers and 13 police officers assisting. This includes 3 motorcycle police officers in the race caravan.

Proposed Schedule for Race Day:

9:00 a.m. - Veteran A 66.38 km
9:02 a.m. - Senior 3, Juniors 66.38 km
11:05 a.m. - Senior 1 99.26 km
11:07 a.m. - Woman,Veteran BCD 66.38 km

Senior 1 Race will consist of 4 full loops, plus one half loop(exclude the Lambeth loop on the fifth lap). All other races will consist of three full loops of the course. Note: This schedule is subject to change.

We will post a map in the very near future once the CAD drawings are finalized.

Please watch the website for more updates on this test event. Just click 2001 Games on the left hand side. Squirewatches are one of the official sponsors for this test event.

Any questions on this event can be directed to the 2000 Road Race Test Event Organizer Emmanual Martins at: or phone (519) 667-1430

We look forward to seeing you in London on Sunday May 7 2000.

Lori Pol
Assistant Sport Leader - Cycling
2001 Canada Summer Games


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