Canadian Cyclist


March 5/12 10:03 am - OCA to Roll Out New Sportif Category for Road Racing

Posted by Editoress on 03/5/12

The details are not yet available, but it appears that the Ontario Cycling Association will introduce a new category at the Road O-Cup series this season.  Hoping to capture some of the growing number of riders who attend Grand Fondo events, the OCA will offer a category for club-level riders who do not hold licences but, they hope, will want to try a 'real' race after whetting their appetite at a Grand Fondo.  The races will not be age-based, with only male and female categories, and will take place first thing in the mornings at O-Cup races.  They will also be short, a suggested 40 kilometres.  The expressed hope is that by having non-licenced and newcomer enthusiasts attend a real bike race, they will be encouraged to possibly take out a licence.


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