Canadian Cyclist


March 15/12 16:09 pm - BVC Fall/Winter Series Final Standings

Posted by Editoress on 03/15/12

Results from the Burnaby Velodrome's Fall/Winter series

A Group
1 Kyle Buckosky, 158 pts
2 Bruce Denis, 95
3 Erik Mulder, 95
4 John Livingstone 80
5 Cid Martinez, 78

B Group
1 Dylan Davies, 152 pts
2 Jackson Pickell, 115
3 Adam Reddy, 91
4 Claire Cameron, 76
5 Mike Buckosky, 72

C Group
1 Dave Groves, 130 pts
2 Garry Bone, 110
3 Brendan Cowley ,101
4 Niall Dempsey, 83
5 Keifer Livingston, 81
6 Eprahaim Soria, 80

Full results  

The Fall series should start on October 5th, 2012.

In the meantime don't forget that the track continues to be open for regular hours so you can stay in shape for Spring Series and the summer crits. And hopefully those will keep you in shape for the Fall Track Season!

Finally, for anyone who wants to get started racing, we hope to start Learn To Race sessions in the summer for anyone who wants to get ready for the next series.


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