Canadian Cyclist


March 24/00 3:36 am - Ontario News, Peter Wedge's Sea Otter report

Posted by Editoress on 03/24/00

Upcoming Events at Kelso and Hilton Falls Conservation Areas (Ontario)

Sunday, April 2 (the weekend after the Uxbridge Icebreaker): HILTON FALLS ALL WEATHER CHALLENGE TIME TRIAL POINTS RACE, organized by W.O.W. and Conservation Halton. Check out the W.O.W. website at W.O.W. for more info., or call (905)854-0262 to request a registration form. We need volunteers to do first aid, as well as to marshall the course -please call the above number if interested, and we'll get back to you with details.

Tuesday night SPOKES N'SLOPES WEEKLY FUN RACE SERIES at Kelso Conservation Area: Series will start last Tuesday in April, and run until last Tues. in August. The races are great for beginner to expert riders, and all categories are included. Start at 7pm, at Kelso Summit parking lot (corner of Steeles Ave. and Bell School Line). Gate fees apply. For more info., call Spokes N' Slopes, Milton: (905)876-7676, or Kelso: (905) 878-5011, ext. 416.

Wednesday night SILENT SPORTS WEEKLY FUN RACE SERIES at Kelso Conservation Area: Last Wed. in April, till last Wed. in August -19 weeks in total. Great race series for recreational to competitive riders. All categories. Start at 7pm behind chalet: enter via Kelso Main entrance (off Tremaine). Gate fees apply. For more info: call Kelso: (905) 878-5011, ext. 416.

KOKANEE 12 AND 24 HRS OF ADRENALIN at KELSO (July 1-2): Yes -there is a 24hrs at Kelso this year! Same date as 12hr. Either ride from noon till midnight, or do the long haul till noon the next day. Spots are filling up, so register now! Ride solo, or in teams of 4+. See for more info., and to register.

ONTARIO CUP #6, KELSO. JULY 29-30: See for more info. The Kelso O-Cup is finally back, and we're looking at record numbers for this year! If you're not planning on racing, we need volunteers as course marshalls, water station attendants, and first aiders: please call (905)878-5011, ext. 416 and leave a message if interested. We need your help!

Second Year For SPUN Mountain Bike Festival!!!!

Building on last years success, we are holding the second SPUN Mountain Bike Festival at Blue Mountain Resorts in Collingwood,ON.

On July 15-16, the weekend before the mountain bike nationals, Blue Mountain will be host to a full weekend of events. Some of the events will include a XC and DH points race, Dual Slalom Race, Big Air competition, something we call SPUNCROSS with four people down the dual course at once, and many more events.

If you aren't into racing than come out and check out the vendor area, the trials expo, or the bands on saturday night while the racing is going on under the lights.

All in all it looks like it is going to be another great weekend to get SPUN. Watch for more info at this years races.

Darryl Hindle
Event Manager

Check out our website which will be online May 1, 2000.

The Sault Cycling Club announces..... that their 2000 calender is now posted on their web site. Many interesting events for Ontario cyclists to attend. Have a look here: Sault Cycling Club

Pete's Lane

Peter Wedge reports from Sea Otter Velo New Brunswick


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