Canadian Cyclist


June 6/12 13:00 pm - Wheels of Bloor Team Tested by CCES

Posted by Editoress on 06/6/12

At approximately 6:00 am on the mornings of June 4th, 5th and 6th, four Wheels of Bloor riders were paid surprise visits by testers from the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (C.C.E.S.). One rider was asked for blood and urine, while the others were asked only for a urine sample.

The whole process was quite involved, with multiple samples carefully taken, sealed and marked for the laboratory in Montreal. In all cases, the testing teams were highly professional, while managing to put a lighter side on what could have been an unpleasant process. As a bonus, the tested riders received a deck of cards extolling the virtues of clean sport.

Wheels of Bloor applauds the efforts of the CCES to keep our sport clean through vigilant testing and ongoing education.


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