Canadian Cyclist


June 9/12 12:04 pm - Cycling BC Hires Four Club Coaches

Posted by Editoress on 06/9/12

Cycling BC is pleased to announce the hiring of four club coaches for BMX clubs.  The newly appointed coaches will be working with the clubs to recruit more members, run Learn 2 race Clinics and work with club riders on development.  Each of the coaches have been NCCP trained and will be working towards NCCP Certification through out the season.  The coaches will be working closely with BC Provincial and Canadian National team coaches as part of continuous development.  These positions will be full time for the BMX season, starting immediately.

“BMX is a critical element of the Cycling BC rider development model. We’re committed to ongoing development that will support riders at each stage from learning to ride, to an international podium. The Club Coaches will work closely in NCCP development with our provincial and national team coaches, to bring the best training and greatest opportunities for success to BMX in British Columbia.” – Conan Cooper, Director of Development

We would like to congratulate the following coaches to be working with the clubs.

Mischa Partridge – Abbotsford BMX
Ryan Murphy – Action BMX
James Palmer – North Shore BMX
Thomas Donnelly – Ridge Meadows BMX

“I think that club coaching has been a missing link in our sport for a long time.  It is great to see this program put in place and I’m excited to be a part of it” – Mischa Partridge.

“This is win-win for the athletes, the coaches and the clubs. We will be able to develop better athletes, coaches and clubs all in one.   I have seen how a club coach has helped athletes push to the next level in Europe and can’t wait to see the results our athletes and coaches will have in the future” – Adam Muys BMX Director

Cycling BC press release


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