Canadian Cyclist


June 27/12 10:33 am - Para Cycle Clinic in Edmonton on July 6-7

Posted by Editoress on 06/27/12

Details for the Edmonton Clinic:

For more information, contact Stephen Burke at (403) 220-8008 or .

Friday, July 6th:

• Presentation and meeting with all participants
• Location, Percy Page Centre
• Time 7 PM
• Introductions and brief history on the Para Cycle Program
• PowerPoint with Pictures and Information
• Discussion on Adaptations with images and examples on bikes
• Question Period

Saturday July 7th at Edmonton Garrison:

9-11 am: 1st Group attends Ride - Group and order yet to be determined; it will be based on Interest and #’s

11-1 pm: 2nd Group attends Ride - I would like the largest group before lunch so if we have to we can run over into the break

1-2 pm: Lunch Break

2-4 pm: 3rd Group attends Ride (Potentially the “Performance” session)

4-5 pm: 4th Group attends a short ride targeted at Youth with a Physical Disability -This ride will cross disciplines and will be based on Age not Disability

During each ride the format will follow a similar outline/agenda:

• Bike Fit, Helmet Fit
• Mounting and Dismounting the bicycle, tricycle, tandem or Handcycle
• Braking, Shifting, Steering & Cycling Safety
• Group Riding Rules and Guidelines
• Set out for a ride as a group either along a bike path (out and back) or in a city park (loop).
• At this clinic more emphasis will be put on Cycling for Health/Wellness and Recreation however for those interested in “Performance” cycling information we can schedule in a session with this as the primary focus. This would be a mixed group of athletes from a variety of disciplines with the emphasis on training, racing, position etc.
• The 2nd clinic in Calgary will address more issues related to training and performance.

I will schedule the day in advance and confirm with all participants the time and location of the meeting and rides. This would also be an excellent opportunity to pull in more coaching staff from around the Province, so I am more than willing to open this clinic up to allow other cycling coaches some experience and mentorship with the Para Cycle Program.

Each riding group will be comprised of participants with similar types of impairments.

• The plan is to have all Visually Impaired participants attend at the same time, each with their own Pilot
• Pilots need to have good bike skills, cycling shoes and pedals, and preferably are heavier than the Stoker (the opposite scenario makes it very difficult to control the bike)
• I should have 4 road bikes to use at this clinic. 2 LG/M and 2 M/S
• If we get more than 4 visually impaired Riders then we can rent tandems for the clinic or include tandems in other rides throughout the day

• Spinal Cord Injured (Quad, Para or Incomplete)
• Double or Single Leg Amputees
• Cerebral Palsy and Spina Bifida with limited leg function

• Amputee, CP and other Participants who can ride a Bicycle
• This group will include ambulatory CP’s and Amputees as well as any other participants who can ride a Bicycle with or without adaptations
• Athletes who need adaptations need to either provide their own bike or contact me prior to the clinic to arrange a bike

• Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injured Participants who have limited
• I only have access to a few tricycles so this will be the smallest category
for the clinic
• Depending on the participants they may ride with the Hand cycles
or Bicycles

Registration and Fees:

• All participants must pre-register for the clinic
• The cost to attend the clinic is $35 per person and can be paid individually or by a PSO/NSO via invoice

Thanks to the following Organizations for their Support:

• Alberta Amputee Sport and Recreation Association
• Ultimate Wheel Chair Sport
• Canadian Paraplegic Association


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