Canadian Cyclist


June 28/12 10:41 am - Employment Opportunity - Executive Director, Bicycle Trade Association of Canada

Posted by Editoress on 06/28/12

The Bicycle Trade Association of Canada is seeking a qualified individual to provide association management services. As executive director, you will apply your leadership skills and experience in marketing, events and communications to help achieve the Bicycle Trade Association of Canada's strategic outcomes, working in partnership with the Board of Directors. The Bicycle Trade Association of Canada (BTAC) advances the interests of independent bicycle retailers throughout Canada. Members include retailers, domestic and international manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors of bicycles, parts and accessories.

BTAC delivers value to members through advocacy, industry research, communications, and its flagship trade show, ExpoCycle.

The major duties of the position of executive director/chief staff officer include:

• Provide leadership in supporting the Board in the development of BTAC's statement of vision, mission, and goals, and the corresponding strategies, plans, and budgets to achieve them;
• Ensure the development and achievement of operational plans, performance measurements, and management controls;
• Work with the Board to develop and provide appropriate policy recommendations for approval by the Board;
• Develop and maintain an effective staff organization which provides appropriate policy and program recommendations for consideration by the board and its committees, and which delivers services, programs and information beneficial to the members;
• Identify, document, and articulate the needs of members both internally (e.g., to committees) and externally;
• Act as the spokesperson for BTAC and serve as ambassador for BTAC to relevant organizations in Canada and related international organizations.

Applicants will have depth in management and ideally experience in association leadership as well as an interest in bicycling.

The successful candidate will be expected to provide a self-sustaining office that includes all space and equipment use and to fully service the organization from that location. The initial term of contract will be two years and will be renewable. Individuals and association management companies will be considered.

Qualified individuals are invited to apply, with a statement of compensation expectations, to


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