Canadian Cyclist


September 24/12 9:44 am - Bike Tour Will Celebrate World Heart Day and Monitor Athletes' Cardiac Performances

Posted by Editoress on 09/24/12

September 29, 2012 is World Heart Day and Canada National Sport Day, and to mark the occasion, the Windsor Cardiac Centre has become the lead sponsor of the Canada South Coast Bike Tour, and will utilize cardiophones – which are portable heart monitors - to transmit electrical cardiac data of the elite riders.

“We will be able to monitor, in real time, how the heart is performing when stressed through long-duration exercise. The data collected will have a medical value that can be built on in the future,” explains Dr. Wadea Tarhuni, MD, President and CEO of the Windsor Cardiac Centre.  “To our knowledge, the Canada South Bike Tour will be the first cycling event in history to have this feature.”  The Windsor Cardiac Centre and the Essex Region Conservation Authority, which is hosting the event, have a partnership in promoting physical activity in natural areas that is called the Healthy Planet-Healthy Heart initiative.

Athletes ranging from 22 years to 74 years of age will be participating in the cardiac monitoring.  The cardiophone, which is unique to the Windsor Cardiac Centre, has a SIM-like chip that connects to a satellite.  The data is sent in real time to the Windsor Cardiac Centre where it is analyzed and will be shared with the riders following the event.  The cardiophone has the potential to become a tool that enables athletes to safely practice their sport of choice without fear and to smartly optimize their performance and health.  “We are leading Canada towards a healthier heart with experienced cardiologists using the most advanced technologies,” Dr. Tarhuni goes on to say.

The Canada South Coast Bike Tour includes three cycling events across the region – there is a route available for every age and fitness level, although the heart monitor participants are all participating the 106 kilometre advanced road route.  All funds raised will be used to help construct the Essex-Amherstburg Greenway, another heart-healthy trail for the Essex Region. 

“This is a truly an exciting medical and scientific opportunity,” adds Danielle Breault Stuebing, ERCA's Director of Communications and Education.  “Within minutes of inviting riders to take part in the study, we had dozens of responses from athletes excited to participate.  Some have a family history of heart related issues and are extremely grateful for this opportunity.”

Those wishing more information can check out and click on the September events calendar.  Online registration can be accessed at

The Windsor Cardiac Centre is committed to excellence in patient care that promotes prevention and cardiovascular risk management. The centre is the first and only outpatient cardiac healthcare facility in Canada to carry accreditation by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission.

The Essex Region Conservation Authority is a community-based organization dedicated to protecting, restoring and managing the natural resources of the Essex Region.


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