Canadian Cyclist


October 29/12 9:56 am - Cross Crusade Day 2 results, Sheppard wins again

Posted by Editoress on 10/29/12

Canadian National champion Chris Sheppard took back to back wins in Bend over the weekend, easily taking victories on day 1 and 2 of the Cross Crusade: Deschutes Brewery in


Photos by Oran Kelly



Day 1 results

Men A, 9 laps
1 Chris Sheppard (Rocky Mountain) 1:00:13.00
2 Carl Decker (Giant) 1:00:58.00
3 Kevin Bradford Parish (ind) 1:01:03.00
4 Molly Cameron (Portland Bicycle Studio) 1:01:32.00
5 Shannon Skerritt (Corsa concepts) 1:01:59.00
6 Michael Gallagher (ind) 1:02:04.00
7 Donald Reeb (ind) 1:02:16.00
8 Seth Patla (Gates Rapha River City Bicycles) 1:02:34.00
9 Josh Kelley (ind) 1:02:44.00
10 Damian Schmitt (Silverado Gallery/Sunnyside) 1:02:46.00
11 Brennan Wodtli (ind) 1:02:58.00
12 Ben Thompson (BendBroadband/ 1:03:01.00
13 Patrick Means (Team S+M) 1:03:49.00
14 Ryan Weaver (Gates Rapha River City Bicycles) 1:04:13.00
15 Brad Winn (Team S+M) 1:04:39.00
16 James Ceccorulli (The Bike Gallery) 1:04:45.00
17 Leland Gilmore (ind) 1:04:49.00
18 John Merrill (ind)
19 Gabriel Linn (Trusty Switchblade) 1:04:53.00
20 James Williams (Silverado Gallery/Sunnyside) 1:05:02.00
21 Matt Russell (ind) 1:05:03.00
22 Brett Luelling (Portland Bicycle Studio) 1:05:12.00
23 Adam Schwind (ind) 1:05:58.00
24 Christopher Bagg (Athletes Lounge Cycling Team) -1 lap
25 Ryan Garner (ind) -1 lap
26 Jonathan Myers (Team S+M) -1 lap
27 Spencer Bushnell (Therapeutic Associates PDX Cycling) -1 lap
28 Joshua Liberles (ind) -1 lap
29 Christopher Nicholas Dale (ind) -1 lap
30 Matt Fox (Silverado Gallery/Sunnyside) -1 lap
31 Alex Wentz (Team Oregon presented by Laurelwood Brewing) -1 lap
32 Chris Johnston ( -1 lap
33 Scott Gray (Team Oregon presented by Laurelwood Brewing) -1 lap
34 Steve O'neill (Cyclepath Racing) -1 lap
35 Nat Johnson (Green Submarine Records) -1 lap
36 Tim Joslin (Cyclepath Racing) -1 lap
37 #176 -1 lap
38 Brig Brandt (Silverado Gallery/Sunnyside) -1 lap
39 Kevin Drake (Portland Bicycle Studio) -1 lap
40 Peter Vraniak (ind) -1 lap
41 Jeremy Russell ( -1 lap
42 Chad Swanson (Team S+M) -1 lap
43 Justin Demallie (Filth and Fury) -1 lap
44 Christopher Parrish (Hagens-Berman LLP Cycling) -1 lap
45 Brent Mattison (Team Lazy Tarantulas) -1 lap
46 Andrew Thomas (ind) -1 lap
47 Robert Thayer ( -1 lap
48 Matt Hickey (Cascade Couriers/Bend Velo) -1 lap
49 Graham Howard (ind) -1 lap
50 Byron Breeden (Guinness Cycling Team) -1 lap
51 Joe Dengel (West End Bikes/Specialized) -1 lap
52 Jonathan Penfold (Oregon Bike Shop Racing Team) -1 lap
53 Paul Lacava (Giant) -2 laps
54 Paolo Zanetti (ind) -2 laps
55 Troy Sexton (ind) -2 laps
56 Taylor Bushnell (Tensegrity PT Cycling) -2 laps
57 Andy Schlict (ind) -2 laps
58 Andrew Boone (Team Oregon presented by Laurelwood Brewing) -2 laps
59 Nathan Jones (ind) -2 laps
60 William Warburton (Bend Endurance Academy) -2 laps
61 Jonathan Perlman (Filth and Fury) -3 laps
62 Erol Chandler (Portland Bicycle Studio) -5 laps
DNF Casey Hill (ind)
DNF Greg Adams (Cyclepath Racing)
DNF Sean Corey (Trusty Switchblade)
DNF Stephen Hyde (ind)
DNF Ryan Mcglone (Boneyard Cycling)
Women A, 8 laps
1 Jade Wilcoxson (Optum p/b Kelly Benefit Strategies) 1:03:36.00
2 Serena Bishop Gordon (Silverado Gallery/Sunnyside) 1:05:29.00
3 Brigette Brown (River City Bicycles) 1:06:23.00
4 Brooke Snyder ( -1 lap
5 Tina Brubaker (Speedvagen Racing Machines) -1 lap
6 Laura Winberry (Speedvagen Racing Machines) -1 lap
7 Kim Matheson (Team S+M) -1 lap
8 Alexandra Burton (Upper Echelon Fitness: Sports Medicine and Training) -1 lap
9 Sarah Post-Holmberg (ind) -1 lap
10 Rebeccah Bieri (Etna Brewing Co./DeSalvo Custom Cycles) -1 lap
11 Abra McNair (Showers Pass) -1 lap
12 Julia Schobben (ind) -1 lap
13 Brenna Lopez-Otero (Bend Memorial Clinic Total Care Racing Team) -1 lap
14 Susan Grandjean (Showers Pass) -1 lap
15 Laura Trace (ind) -1 lap
16 Brianna Walle (Ironclad Performance Wear) -1 lap
17 Audrey Brown (Team S+M) -1 lap
18 Molly Hurford (ind) -1 lap
19 Cindy Lewellen (ind) -1 lap
20 Stephanie Chase (Upper Echelon Fitness: Sports Medicine and Training) -1 lap
21 Jill Hardiman (Team S+M) -1 lap
22 Kristi Carver (Upper Echelon Fitness: Sports Medicine and Training) -1 lap
23 Suzanne Marcoe (ind) -1 lap
24 Sara Fletcher (West Coast Women's Cycling p/b Ninkasi) -1 lap
25 Meagan Masten (Upper Echelon Fitness: Sports Medicine and Training) -1 lap
26 Sharon Hart (Hapi-Go!) -1 lap
27 Jade Koide (Team Beer) -1 lap
28 Heather Daniel (West Coast Women's Cycling p/b Ninkasi) -2 laps
29 Laurie Hotovy (Team S+M) -2 laps
30 Jeanne Beko (Athletes Lounge Cycling Team) -2 laps
DNF Hannah Moore (Green Submarine Records)
DNF Joy Armagost (ind)
DNF Remy Maguire (Team S+M)
DNF Renee Scott (Sunnyside Sports)


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