Canadian Cyclist


May 9/00 3:19 am - Rich & Famous 24 Hour, Quebec Results

Posted by Editor on 05/9/00

Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous 24 Hour MTB Race - May 20/21

We've been talking to many of our friends and it seems that there is a rumour going around that the Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous 24 Hour Race on May 20/21is sold out. Well it ain't true! We still have some spots left. We just need you to register soon. It's a very different 24 hour race. Every one gets 4 fantastic meals including a roast beef dinner at the end of it all, and a cabin for each team. We'll treat you like you're rich and famous. We aren't after a huge number of people. In fact we will only take 18 teams of 5 and a few brave solo riders. Since there isn't the usual crowd scene it means that we don't need a long course either. The Lifestyles course is 10km in length and uses the best of the great singletrack at the Mansfield Outdoor Centre. You're in for a full 24 hours of fun if you register.

For registration forms and full event details please visit the W.O.W. web site at WOW

Results from St-Jerome, Quebec
(courtesy Michel Bourgault)

Sunday May 7th

Senior 1/2 Men/Hommes - 60km
1Dionne, CharlesVolkwagen-West Coast1:28:53
2De Cardenas, ArielAndre Lalonde Sport1:30:09
3Bergeron, FabienVolkwagen-West Coast1:31:36
4Beland, Jean SebastienAndre Lalonde Sport1:31:39
5St-Laurent, MartinVolkswagen-West Coasts.t.
6Belisle, DanielIndependant1:31:56
7Malois , JohnSaeco-VBs.t.
8Thibodeau, SamuelVolkswagen-West Coast1:31:58
9Fagnan, MathieuIndependant1:32:07
10Lavallee, AlexandreEspoirs de Lavals.t.
11Dupont, LouisSte-Foy1:33:26
12Greaux, CedricIndependant1:33:32
13Racine, Jean FrancoisSte-Foys.t.
14Guimont, AlainEspoirs de Lavals.t.
15Desrochers, CarlSaeco-VB1:34:30
16Cojan, YannickEspoirs de Laval1:34:34
17Caron, VincentEspoirs de Laval1:34:38
18Garceau, Jean PhilippeEspoirs de Lavals.t.
19Ianucci, MarioVCOMlapped
Senior Women/Femmes - 50km
1Nadeau, MelanieVezar-Sugoi1:20:18
2Labonte, NathalieVezar-Sugois.t.
3Roy, NadiaIndependant1:22:42
4Masson, JulieVezar-Sugoilapped
5Cote, Marie HeleneEspoirs de Lavallapped
6Gagnon, ElisaEspoirs de Lavallapped
7Dube, EmmanuelleVezar-Sugoilapped
8Kuzyk, EvaIndependantelapped
Junior Men/Hommes 46 km
1Parisien, FrancoisSaeco-VB1:04:51
2Gilbert, MartinSaeco-VB1:05:02
3Rollin, DominiqueEspoirs de Lavals.t.
4Boily, Pierre OlivierSaeco-VB1:06:35
5Olivier, JeremieEspoirs de Laval
6Penaroya , MathieuSaeco-VB
7Tremblay, EricSte-Foy
8Viau-Dupuis, PhilippeOerlikon
9Houle-Paradis, Jean PhilippeSte-Foy
10Trempe, OlivierSte-Foy
11Lapointe, HuguesMedico Sportif
12Maheux, Jean SebastienEspoirs de Laval
13Roy , MathieuEspoirs de Laval
14Houle, JonathanBrossard
15Marion, Jean PhilippeSaeco-VB
16Charbonneau, Louis PierreSte-Foy
17Tetreault, PascalEspoirs de Laval
18Racine, Louis CharlesSte-Foyall s.t.
Junior Women/Femmes - 40km
1Lacasse , MartineEspoirs de Laval1:04:53
2Greaux, MagaliRecord1:06:02
Senior 3/4 Men/Hommes
1Kirouac, EricAdrenergie1:18:21
2Fortin, Jean FrancoisOerlikon1:19:24
3Vachon, FredericAndre Lalonde Sports.t.
4Doyon, FrancoisAndre Lalonde Sport1:19:33
5Lebeau, Marc AndreAdrenergie1:19:40
6Boilard, DanielIndependant
7Auger, FredericIndependant
8Larsen, DenisOerlikon
9Letendre, MathiasIndependant
10Briere, RenaldIndependant
11Anti, GilbertBrossard
12Jean, ManuelArgon 18
13Blais, EricOryxall s.t.
Masters A Men/Maitres A Hommes 50km
1Legall, DidierMartin Swiss1:13:14
2Migner, PaulMedico Sportif
3Rooseboom, MartinCycles Patrick
4Burge, CraigWest Quebec Wheelers
5Dufour, MarcAndre Lalonde Sport
6Lavallee, BenoitAndre Lalonde Sport
7Mc Nulty, KevinMartin Swiss
8Moody, EricVelo 4
9Cojan, DidierAndre Lalonde Sport
10Valiquette, JeanCycles Performance
11Leger, Jean MarcMedico Sportif
12Beaudoin , PierreBrossard
13Maillette , GilbertBrossard
14Meigelbach, RoyMartin Swiss
15Pavsek, MarkAndre Lalonde Sport
16Grignard, FabienMedico Sportif
17Jorge , JoseMartin Swiss
18Leach, MikeScary Fast
19Dion , YvanMartin Swiss
20Duguay, HaroldBrossard
21Stovel, JordanWest Island
22Desrosiers , PaulD'Italiano
23Dalling, IanScary Fast
24West, AnthonyIndependant
25Landry, DavidMartin Swiss
26Soulieres, Jean FrancoisAndre Lalonde Sport
27Koops, Marten DerekCycles Patrick
28Riby, StephenScary Fast
29Garzon, LaurentMartin Swiss
30Gauthier, DanielIndependant
31Berridge, HowardIndependant
32Rooseboom, FernandCycles Patrick
33Prud'Homme, MartinVelo 4
34Baribeau, YvesOerlikon
35Hollobon, RichardVCOM
36Planet, PhilippeVelo 4
37Brooks , JamesWest Quebec Wheelers
38Desjardins, EricVelo 4all s.t.
Masters B Men/Maitres B Hommes 50km
1Tosques, NickMartin Swiss1:18:02
2Gregoire, Pierre EtienneSte Foy
3Lapointe, MarcMedico Sportif
4Allan, SteveWest Island
5Desforges, RobertIndependantall s.t.
6Caron, AlainMartin Swiss1:20:18
7Thibault, DanielMedico Sportif
8Lepine, GuyMedico Sportif
9Patry, RobertIndependant
10Renaud, NormandIndependant
11Marcotte , GuySherbrooke
Ex eaquo:
12Lacerte , MichelVCOM
13Mantha, DenisVCOM
14Wiseman, DavidLifescan
15Sylvain, HaroldBrossard
16Vigneault, AndreCyclones de Granby
17Marquis, AlainIndependant
18Little, BruceVCOM
19Leclerc, GuyEspoirs de Laval
20Girard, PierreIndependantall s.t.
Sztuke, JacquesBrossard
Masters C Men/Maitres C Hommes 40km
1L'Ecuyer, PierreMedico Sportif1:02:44
2Hicks, RobertOttawa Bicycle Club
3Vincent, RichardCycles Performance
4Cloutier, PierreArgon 18
5Levesque, Jean PaulCyclones de Granby
6Lemire, Jean GuyCyclones de Granbyall s.t.
7Philipson, JohnOttawa Bicycle Club1:03:15
8Nebbs, HerbertVCOM
9Brown, GregOttawa Bicycle Club
10Simpson, RobertOttawa Bicycle Club
11Roomkey, GaryOttawa Bicycle Club
12Poulsen, RonVCOM
13Charrette, GillesCyclones de Granby
14Lion, Jean PascalCyclones de Granby
15Leclerc , Jean ClaudeElio Pizzeria
16Paiment, PierreVCOM
17Imbrogno, GiorgioOttawa Bicycle Club
18Wennerwald, HenningOttawa Bicycle Club
19Brault, MichelIndependantall s.t.
Masters D Men/Maitres D Hommes 40km
1Burdett, AveryOttawa Bicycle Club1:03:15
2Masseau, AndreCyclones de Granby
3Lavoie, EvaristeSte Foy
4Lavoie, GeorgesCycles Patrickall s.t.
Masters Women/Maitres Femmes 40km
1Vanderweyden, WendyVCOM1:03:15
2Caisse, NicoleMedico Sportifs.t.
Tandems 30km
1Provencher, YvonIndependant45:27
Bergeron, FabienVolkwagen
2Cote, StephaneIndependant45:31
Fagnan, MathieuIndependant
3Cournoyer, JulieSherbroooke45:51
Maurais, AlexandreIndependant
4Jourdain, VincentIndependantlapped
Nadeau, SylvainIndependant
5Pierre Etienne, HarryIndependantlapped
Pierre Etienne, JonathanIndependant
Wheelchair/Paralytiques Cerebraux 6km
1Quevillon, JeanIndependant12:03
2Longhi, Gary12:09


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