Canadian Cyclist


November 16/12 15:23 pm - Eastern Ontario Cyclocross Series: Race 8 results

Posted by Editoress on 11/16/12

Results from the Eastern Ontario Cyclocross Race Series Race #8, of 10, held November 11th at Gemmill Park, Almonte, Ontario.

Senior Men
1 Matteo Dal-Cin (Ride With Rendall) 0:54:28
2 Doug Van Den Ham ( at 1:12
3 Imad El-Gahzal (West Quebec Wheelers) 2:00
4 Marcel Vautour (Independent) 2:04
5 Nicholas Bishop (The Cyclery) 3:28
6 Mathieu Lafontaine (Independent) 4:48
7 Guilliame Seyer-Forget (Gearheads) -1 lap
Master Men A 30-39 years
1 Matt Surch (Tall Tree Cycles/Steelwool Bicycles) 0:57:33
2 Richard Grieve (Kunstadt Sports Cycling Club) at 0:36
3 Andrew Olive (Euro-sports) 1:37
4 Andrew Brown (Tall Tree Cycles/Steelwool Bicycles) 3:43
5 John Clare (Fiera Race Team) 4:40
6 Dave Busch (The Cyclery) 4:54
7 Bruno Lafontaine (KiinO2) 5:14
8 Cam Dube (Gearheads) 5:49
9 Darren Cope (Independent) 6:00
10 Steve Bursey (Gearheads) 6:50
11 Rodrigo Diaz (Euro-sports) 7:15
12 Nick Vipond (The Cyclery) 8:09
13 Dejan Pavlcia (Bushtukah) 8:40
14 Martin Champoux (Euro-sports) 9:32
15 Simon Ferguson (Bushtukah) 9:57
16 Brian Schlachta (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 10:18
17 Phil Pharand (Independent) -1 lap
18 Anthony Lacopia (Full Cycle) -1 lap
19 Peter Schattman (Bushtukah) -1 lap
20 Phillippe Lanthier (ABC Cycles/Honda) -1 lap
21 Pat Kelly (Euro-sports) -1 lap
22 Darien Arjang (Bushtukah) -1 lap
Junior Men 18-19 years
1 Miles Betteridge (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 0:55:01
2 Jonathan Macaskill (LaRocca XC) at 1:18
3 Wesley Laird (First Capital Cycling) 4:36
DNF Wil Etherington (UNOVELO Bicycles)
Master Men B 40-49 years
1 Arno Turk (Independent) 0:56:12
2 Mike Reeves (Euro-sports) at 2:01
2 Yariv Wolfe (Euro-sports) 2:45
4 Stephane Deshaies (Team IFG) 4:00
5 Michael Asselstine (independent) 4:43
6 Sheldon Laidman (First Capital Cycling) 5:01
7 Sean Wright (The Cyclery) 5:33
8 Jay Heins (The Cyclery) 6:40
9 David Bilenkey (Euro-sports) 6:44
10 Danny Houde (Orleans Cycles) 7:39
11 Jamie Mcmanus (Cornwall Cycle Club) 9:45
12 Jean-Christophe Vialaret (Euro-sports) 9:59
13 Greg Hill (Euro-sports) 10:15
14 Stephen Irwin (IFG by Cyclelogik/ Endurosport) 10:25
15 Tewd Correa (First Capital Cycling) 11:14
16 Steve Morris (Euro-sports) -1 lap
17 Curtis Collins (Independent) -1 lap
18 David Wright (Euro-sports) -1 lap
19 Michael Fy (Gears & Grinds) -1 lap
20 Gilles Monvosin (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
21 James Robertson (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
22 Ken Macaskill (LaRocca XC) -1 lap
23 Brian Mcpherson (independent) -1 lap
24 Dominic Fontaine (Euro-sports) -1 lap
25 Mark Petty (Aztech/Cyclepath) -1 lap
26 James Brooks (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
DNF Rob Kerr (The Cyclery)
DNF Rob Allen (Cornwall Cycle Club)
Master Men C (50-59 yers)
1 Colin Funk (First Capital Cycling) 0:57:35
2 Drew Edwards (Euro-sports) at 0:48
3 Colin Campbell (independent) 0:52
4 Eric Betteridge (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 2:49
5 Chris Olson ( 5:00
6 Ian Stewart (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 5:07
7 Bryan Gormley (The Cyclery) 5:22
8 David Hendrycks (Euro-sports) 7:23
9 Bruno Cyr (independent) 7:43
10 Ross Wilkinson (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
11 Neal Scott (Gears & Grinds Racing) -1 lap
12 Dave Wall (independent) -1 lap
13 Detlef Hess (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
14 Joey Slobodian (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
15 Scott Hall (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
16 Emil Jacobson (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
17 John Aitkinson (Euro-sports) -1 lap
18 Dean Timbrell (Independent) -1 lap
DNF Ian Austen (Ottawa Bicycle Club)
DNF David Sherrard (Ottawa Bicycle Club)
Master Men D (60-69 years)
1 Jean-Louis Dorego (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 1:03:06
2 Giorgio Imbrogno (Ottawa Bicycle Club) at 4:06
3 Ron Phillips (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
Master Men E (70 + years)
1 David Mcauslan (Almonte Bicycle Club) 1:07:32
U17 Men
1 Mitchell Slobodian (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 0:57:50
2 Antoine Cyr (Independent) 2:27
U15 Men
1 Gabriel Brun (Independent) 1:07:10
2 Marshall Wright (Independent) at 5:08
3 Calan Gerritsen-Hill (Euro-sports) -1 lap
4 Rowan Warner (Independent) -1 lap
5 Sebastian Brooks (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
Novice Men
1 Adam Beaudoin (Independent) 0:55:53
2 Kris Gibbs (Full Cycle) at 7:06
3 Kurt Hughes (Independent) 7:48
Senior Women
1 Melissa Bunn (Stevens Racing p/b The Cyclery) 0:51:53
2 Alyssa Mellon (The Cyclery) at 1:28
Junior Women (18-19 years)
1 Myriam Burton (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 1:02:12
DNF Monica Conn (Ride With Rendall)
Master Women A (30-39 years)
1 Jennifer Campbell (Independent) 0:52:18
2 Melanie Schultz (Euro-sports) at 2:03
3 Jane Yardley (Euro-sports) 4:11
4 Tammy Mckenna (Euro-sports) 8:40
5 Janine Gorman (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 11:41
6 Caitlin Crooks (Cyclefit Chicks) -1 lap
Master Women B (40-49 years)
1 Susan Morris (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 0:53:33
2 Kim Fera (Euro-sports) at 5:54
3 Angela Slobodian (independent) -1 lap
4 Teresa Stirling (Independent) -1 lap
Master Women C (50 + years)
1 Lisa Meyer (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 0:54:19
2 Jen Adams (Ottawa Bicycle Club) at 0:29
3 Marie Donnelly (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 0:42
4 Robyn Angeles (Independent) 3:52
5 Cathryn Bjerkelund (independent) 6:52
6 Patricia Konantz (Ride with Rendall) 7:32
7 Deborah Hine (West Quebec Wheelers) 10:31
DNF Marcia Girouard (Ottawa Bicycle Club)
1 Lois Betteridge (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 0:58:15
2 Sabina Sander (Independent) at 4:57
U15 Women
1 Hannah Hall (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 1:03:56
U13 Women
1 Jenna Mcclure (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 0:22:09
U11 Girls
1 Lauryn Bakker (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 0:28:00
2 Mia Grieve (Independent) at 11:13
U13 Boys
1 Damien Vialaret (Euro-sports) 0:30:28
2 Jake Wright (Euro-sports) -1 lap
3 Tyler Lefebvre (Independent) -1 lap
4 Ben Brooks (Ottawa Bicycle Club) -1 lap
DNF Liam Kerr (The Cyclery)
U11 Boys
1 Jensen Grieve (Independent) 0:24:29
3 Julien Chagnon (Ottawa Bicycle Club) at 1:24
2 Taegan Mcguire (Tall Tree Cycles/Steelwool Bicycles) 1:26


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