Canadian Cyclist


May 20/00 9:37 am - Rider Reports from Big Bear, Registration Update, Montreal World Cup

Posted by Editor on 05/20/00

Redden Report From Big Bear

NORBA #1, Big Bear Lake, California, USA
Cross Country Mtn Race, May 19,2000

The first Chevy Trucks National Championship Series race of the 2000 season kicked off in the mountains just outside of Los Angeles. The 8 mile cross country course started at a base elevation of 7000ft and climbed up to 8600ft. The women completed two laps with a total elevation gain of 3200ft and the men completed two laps with a whopping elevation gain of 6400ft! The course started with about a 1km road section before heading in to the single track followed by lots of fire road climbing. The descent was high speed on fire road with some rocky single track thrown in. A good course for climbers and descenders who had the thin air feeling!

Women's Race:
The Gary Fisher/Saab squad sent two women, Mary Grigson of Australia, and myself, Chrissy Redden of Canada. I was excited to be with my good teammate Mary again as I opted to miss the three world cups in Europe this year. It was very motivating for me to be racing with my friend again. Since the call up of the women's field was based on last year's overall series results and since both Mary and I were mostly absent at last year's series, our starting positions were less than ideal. Mary was in the middle of the 2nd row and I was nearer to the 4th row. The start was fast, but the wide road allowed us move up through the field, missing the large pileup of women and into the single track in the 1,2 positions. I was feeling really good, so I took the lead, knowing that Mary would protect my back, and went for gaining a gap. After the first 10minutes of climbing, the elevation hit me like a brick and I backed off, and fell off the pace, going into the first descent in 6th. Mary was climbing well with the leaders (Jimena Florit and Anne Trombley), with Ruthie Matthes not far behind. The descent woke up my legs a bit and I went into the 2nd lap climb with more vigor while Mary literally "blew" the field away. Mary continued with her lead and won the event with dominance. "Congrats Mary" I was feeling better and better and pulling in the girls ahead, but flatted on the last descent. With a 2 minute fix, I found myself in 9th position, got on my bike and punched the last 3-4 km and finished in 5th. It was a good feeling to have both of us on the podium again!


Gary Fisher Pro Caliber
Rock Shock Sid with Black Box Technology (manual lockout)
Oakley Rx vr28 blue iridium sweep lens with white M-Frame
Endurox Fruit Punch Energy Drink
Icon handle bar and stem
San Marco Era saddle in white
Mental Training from Jim Taylor.

Special thanks to the support staff, you guys make racing FUN!

Dorion s'empare du septième rang en Californie

Big Bear, Californie (DIAPO) - La première étape du circuit NORBA de vélo de montagne était présentée vendredi, à Big Bear, en Californie. Mélanie Dorion était du nombre des athlètes à prendre le départ et elle n'a pas déçue en s'emparant du septième rang de l'épreuve.

"Je visais un top dix!" a mentionné d'emblée la sympathique athlète originaire de Deux-Montagnes. "Ça c'est bien passé. Rien d'extraordinaire, mais je suis bien contente." Selon Dorion, l'altitude est un facteur qui a influencé le déroulement de la course: "J'ai pris la tête dès le départ, mais j'ai ensuite réalisé qu'à 8000 pieds d'altitude, je n'aurais pas pu tenir la cadence très longtemps. J'ai décidé de rouler à mon rythme, tout en gardant mes plus proches rivales à l'oeil. Au moment venu, j'ai été en mesure de les dépasser."

L'Australienne Mary Grigson a mérité le premier rang, alors que la Canadienne Chrissy Redden terminait cinquième. Une autre Canadienne, Amber Chorney, coéquipière de Dorion chez Ford-Devinci, a fini neuvième.

Dorion remonte sur son vélo dès samedi, alors que sera présentée l'épreuve du critérium, un style d'épreuve qu'elle apprécie particulièrement : "L'intensité est différente de celle d'une course normale", a-t-elle mentionné, en guise de conclusion.

Mathieu Laberge

Des extraits sonores de Mélanie Dorion sont disponibles à l'Agence DIAPO.

Mélanie Dorion est boursière Sac Magique de la Fondation de l'Athlète d'Excellence du Québec. Elle est également commanditée par la Clinique Synergie. Voyez un profil de Mélanie Dorion à la page web


Mathieu Laberge
L'Agence service des athlètes 24 heures par jour
L'Agence DIAPO...Serving athletes 24 hours a day
téléphone et télécopieur (514) 990-4500
téléphone sans frais 1-800-210-9510

Registration Updates

Just a reminder: registration for both Bastion Square and Hardwood Hills closes on Thursday, May 25th. In addition, the discount for early registration at Hardwood hills ends tomorrow - May 21st at 8:00 pm EDT. Click the Online Event Registration graphic at the top of your browser window to register for both of these events (and the Road Nationals). Whistler Summer Session registration will open in the next couple of days.

Montreal Women's World Cup

An updated list of competitors for the Women's Road World Cup in Montreal next Sunday (May 28th) has been posted on the World Cup website. Click on the World Cup graphic at the top of your browser window, and go into 'Race Information'.

Genevieve Jeanson is now entered, but riding for her local Quebec team instead of the national team. Another familiar face will be returning to the peloton: Sue Palmer!


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