Canadian Cyclist


February 18/13 10:39 am - Whitten Wins at Gatineau Loppet

Posted by Editoress on 02/18/13

Before Tara Whitten became a cyclist, and a world champion and Olympic medal winner on the track, the Edmonton rider was a cross-country skier.  Whitten returned to her roots on the weekend [February 16th and 17th] at the Gatineau Loppet as Honourary President, winning the ten kilometre BFL Canada women's freestyle on Sunday, and finishing fourth in the 55 kilometre classic style on Saturday.  Other cyclists also placed on the podium over the weekend - 2011 Canadian women's road champion Veronique Fortin won the 27 kilometres freestyle and U.S. mountain bike Olympian Lea Davison was third in the 51 kilometre freestyle.


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