Canadian Cyclist


February 20/13 13:52 pm - Armstrong Will Not Cooperate with USADA

Posted by Editor on 02/20/13

Lance Armstrong, through a statement issued by his attorney, Tim Herman, has siad that he will not cooperate with the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) by providing a full disclosure of doping activities.  The reason given, is that USADA is not the appropriate body for a full investigation of cycling, and that Armstrong will wait for a full independent tribunal - the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that has been proposed.

Herman's statement said:  "Lance is willing to cooperate fully and has been very clear: He will be the first man through the door, and once inside will answer every question, at an international tribunal formed to comprehensively address pro cycling, an almost exclusively European sport. We remain hopeful that an international effort will be mounted, and we will do everything we can to facilitate that result. In the meantime, for several reasons, Lance will not participate in USADA's efforts to selectively conduct American prosecutions that only demonize selected individuals while failing to address the 95% of the sport over which USADA has no jurisdiction."


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