Canadian Cyclist


May 23/00 5:02 am - Bastion Registration Closing, NS Results, Double Century

Posted by Editor on 05/23/00

Bastion Registration Closing

The organizer has informed us that they wish to close registration for the Bastion Square Cycling Festival tomorrow, May 24th - one day earlier than initially planned

Lunenburg Classic Criterium, Nova Scotia
(courtesy Stephen Cheung)

Great Harbour Challenge
May 22, 2000
Lunenburg, NS
Organizer: Al Heubach, Bicycle Barn

Senior 2/3 Men (45 minutes + 3 laps)
1. Terry Tomlin, Cyclesmith;
2. Jason Eagles, Cyclesmith;
3. Matt Little, Metro CC;
4. Cory Jay, CPEI;
5. Filip Bohac, Valley Stove & Cycle;
6. Adrian Campbell, Independent.

Senior Women (30 minutes + 3 laps)
1. Karen Murphy, Metro CC;
2. Sherry Huybers, Singletrack Mudpack;
3. Gwen Rowlands, Lunenburg CC;
4.(tie) Cari MacDonald, Metro CC and Lisa McInnis, Bike People;
6. Amanda Pike, Metro CC;
7. Melanie Jardine, Independent;
8. Laura Kindervater, Bike People.

Veteran Men (35 minutes + 3 laps)
1. Lee Kosloff, CPEI;
2. Peter Slade, Metro CC;
3. Dave Redmond, Metro CC;
4. Jim Bratrud, Greenwood CC;
5. Gayland Goodwin, Victoria CC;
6. Stephen Cheung, Metro CC;
7. Al Heubach, Lunenburg CC;
8. Barryn Misener, Metro CC;
9. Mike Dymond, Greenwood CC;
10. Richard Foy, Greenwood CC;
11. Wayne Small, Veloraptors.

Junior Men (30 minutes + 3 laps)
1. Andrew Scott, CPEI;
2. Cory Jay, CPEI;
3. Chris Price, Lunenburg CC;
4. Graig Beaton, CPEI;
5. Dustin MacBurnie, Spokebenders.

Cadet Men (30 minutes + 3 laps)
1. Jamie Lamb, Spokebenders;
2. Chris Graham, Spokebenders;
3. Kevin Foy, Greenwood CC;
4. Christopher Dunbar, Summit CC;
5. Matthew Ellis, Lunenburg CC;
6. Jeff Lee, Independent;
7. Ryan Dooley, Bike People.

Senior 4 Men (45 minutes + 3 laps)
1. James Bugden, Metro CC;
2. Chris Price, Lunenburg CC;
3. Greg Kerr, Cyclesmith;
4. Mark Foster, Cyclesmith;
5. Ian MacRae, Cyclesmith;
6. Greg Campbell, Cyclesmith;
7. Mike Lawrence, Cyclesmith;
8. Danny Spry, Metro CC;
9. Andrew Feener, Cyclesmith;
10. David Stachon, Cyclesmith;

Hardwood Double Century - Ontario

Team Hardwood Cycling Club is organizing a "fun" training ride for a 2 day, road double century. The ride will be Hardwood Hills to Bancroft to Hardwood Hills. Each day is approx. 100 miles. The ride will be Thursday June 22 and Friday June 23.

A supported road ride to and from Bancroft from Hardwood Hills. Ride will be supported by sag wagon to carry your extra clothes and gear to Bancroft. Sag wagon will meet at half way point for extra supplies.

Riders may co-ordinate a Double Half Century with a partner to meet at halfway point and exchange each day.

Ride takes place on mostly quiet roads, with numerous small towns and stores along the way.

Ride fee includes accommodation at the Sword Motor Inn, Bancroft for Thursday night. Riders are responsible for own food and meals. There are numerous different restaurants within walking distance of the Sword Motor Inn, as well as a pool and hot tub/sauna on site.

Cost: $65.00 includes accommodation, sag wagon, and all applicable taxes. Deadline for sign up is May 28, and cancellation will be available up to June 18.

Thursday June 22 10:00 a.m. Meet at Hardwood Hills, arrange all last minute details, and hand in gear to sag wagon
10:30 a.m. Saddle up and ride to Bancroft
Friday June 23 7:00 am Wake up call and Breakfast
8:00 am Saddle up (ouch!), and ride back to Hardwood Hills

This is not a race, but a club ride. We are inviting other club members to join the ride. To join please call Hardwood Hills (705) 487-3775 and speak to Arienne.


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