Canadian Cyclist


May 27/00 12:17 pm - Bastion Hillclimb, New Registration Events

Posted by Editor on 05/27/00

Bastion Square Cycling Festival - Victoria, B.C.

Yesterday evening (May 26th), the first event of the Bastion Square Cycling Festival was held - the Mt Douglas Hill Climb. Mountain bike pros Roland Green and Lesley Tomlinson took the wins on this 1.2 km ascent. Full results below.

Today the riders are doing the Mt Tolmie Road Race. The men and women have just started, with the men doing 147 kilometres, and the women 110 kilometres. Green will be defending his title from last year, but Tomlinson is a no-show today (apparently not feeling well). However, Sara Neil, Claire townsend and Melanie McQuaid are among the starters for the women, so it should be an exciting race.

Cat 1, 2 & Pro Men
1Green, RolandVictoriaGT BICYCLES4:46
3Stevenson, RusselSeattleSaturn5:05
4Crookham, JasonVictoriaROCKY MTN(TTN)-JET FUEL(TT3)5:09
5Hovey, CarterVictoriaVICTORIA ELITE5:12
6McCallum, BryceVancouverTrek Volkswagon5:19
7Hull, ChrisseattleJet City Velo5:21
8Macdonald, DanielVictoriaBasic5:22
9Segato, Lucao 5:25
10Hubreyste, MennoVictoria 5:27
11Cameron, RobertVictoriaCRYSTAAL-SPIN DOCTORS5:28
12Farrar, TylerWanatcheeSaturn Pazzo Velo5:28
13Lamb, MikeVictoria 5:29
14Rowe, NickVictoria3 Point mercedes5:30
15Worsfold, ChrisVictoriaTHREE POINT MOTORS MERCEDES BEN5:38
16Wurtele, TrevorVictoria 5:40
17Trenchard, HughVictoria 5:41
18Prachnau, RyanAbbotsfordKEYWIN/BIG TWIN/BRILLANTE5:41
19Worsforld, MauriceVictoriaThree Point Motors5:43
20Minichiello, RichardVancouver 5:44
21Sundt, JonnyBellevue 5:48
22Brown, MatthewVancouverSQUEAKY WHEELERS CC5:48
23Mays, TrevorVictoria 5:55
24Kustren, ClaytonKelownaCYCLEPATH KELOWNA-GIANT5:55
25Irving, BruceBrentwood Bay 5:59
26Simpson, Scott A.ChilliwackKEYWIN/BIG TWIN/BRILLANTE6:01
27Vunic, DavidVictoriaOGC-FISHER6:02
28Zarsadias, TonyBurnabyTREK VOLKSWAGEN CYCLING TE6:14
29Jenkins, KalVictoria 6:14
30Walton, Alec JamesVictoriaCRYSTAAL-SPIN DOCTORS6:35
31Kalin, StevenVancouverATOMIC RACING CLUB6:43
32Johnson, MartyVictorian/a6:50
33Savage, ShaneVancouverGIANT-POWERBAR BICYCLE CLUB8:15
Breathet, RobVictoriaTHE BIKE BARNDNF
Cat 1 - 3 Women
1Tomlinson, LesleyNorth VancouverRLX POLO SPORT6:25
2Townsend, ClaireVictoriaROCKY MOUNTAIN BICYCLES6:29
3Spencer, StaceySalmon ArmHELEN'S CYCLES6:33
4Mcquaid, MelanieVictoria 6:39
5Waldner, CharleneVictoriaBECAUSE SPORTS NUTRITION6:58
6Baerg, ShannonVictoriaPHYSICAL CULTURE7:09
7Willock, ErinneVictoriaPHYSICAL CULTURE TEAM7:11
8George, TimberlyVictoriaCook Pandora Physiotherapy7:12
9Bialokoz, BarbaraVictoriaCook Pandora Physiotherapy7:14
10Issel, CorinneWhite Rock 7:17
11Walter, SandraCoquitlamProworks7:21
12Sweeney, LisaLangleyPHYSICAL CULTURE7:36
13Newton, JulieVictoriaVICTORIA WHEELERS7:51
14Phillips, NoelleVancouverESCAPE VELOCITY8:57
15Wallace, Pamela T.Victoria 11:18
Cat 3, Master A & Junior Men
1Larsson, Adam - RS3Penticton 5:14
2Federau, Ricky - RS4AbbotsfordROCKY MOUNTAIN BICYCLES5:19
4Anderson, Russell - RS3VictoriaTHREE POINT MOTORS MERCEDES BEN5:27
5Condron, Ian - RJ4VictoriaSCHWALBE cycling club5:36
6Murray, Jay - RV1VancouverATOMIC RACING CLUB5:37
7Schlender, Michael - RS3 5:41
8Hewitt, Mathew - RS3QuesnelCOVE BIKE SHOP5:42
9Pratt, Will - RS3PentictonTHE BIKE BARN5:50
10Macleod, David - RV2VictoriaCOOK PANDORA PHYSIOTHERAPY CC5:54
12Cruickshank, Sean - RV3VictoriaSCHWALBE CYCLING CLUB5:58
13Dinning, Steve - RM1Brentwood BayCRYSTAAL-SPIN DOCTORS6:03
14Mc Quiggan, Gordon - RM1VictoriaSchwalbe6:03
15Berry, Brian - RM3VictoriaCRYSTAAL-SPIN DOCTORS6:11
16Woodburn, Troy - RS5Victoria 6:12
17Bradley, Nicholas - RS3Vancouver 6:13
18Bruder, Victor - RS3BurnabyComprene6:19
19Orr, Andy - RJ1Victoria 6:21
20Mcnamara, Ryan - RJ1VictoriaCook Pandora Physiotherapy6:28
21Nichols, Ezra - RS3VictoriaBrentwood Cycle6:38
22Drew, Murray - RS3VictoriaVICTORIA WHEELERS6:40
23Luhm, Andy - RS3SeattleSaturn6:48
25Higuchi, Masa - RS3North Vancouver 6:53
26Macdonald, Scott - RS3Vancouver 6:57
27Detheridge, Chuck - RM1Victoria 7:08
28Ruzicka, Sean - RS4VictoriaBike Cellar7:23
Paetkau, Stephen - RS3Vancouver DNS
Evans, Cameron J. - RC4DeltaESCAPE VELOCITYDNS
Cat 4, Master, Jun & Cadet Women
1Collis, Leigh Anne - RS4VictoriaFAIRFIELD CYCLING CLUB7:19
2Negraeff, Kathleen - RS4Vancouver 7:29
3Kearsley, Laura - RS4Victoria 7:31
4Liedtke, Corinne - RS4Victoria 7:37
5Marven, Cindy - RS4 8:21
6Sanderson, Lynn - RS4Victoria 8:30
7Larstone, Michelle - RM4Victoria 9:41
Results Cat 4, Master B, C, D & Cadet Men
1Lamb, Chris - RS4VictoriaThree Point Motors Mercedes Benz5:36
2Norris, Simon - RS4DuncanTEAM PUKE5:54
3Matthews, Peter - RM4PentictonTHE BIKE BARN5:55
4Jones, Patrick - RS4VancouverROACH CLOTHING5:56
5Tripp, Derek - RM2NanaimoNANAIMO BICYCLE CLUB5:59
6Anderson, Quinn - RS4Victoria 6:03
7Schliewinsky, Kharim - RS4VictoriaSCHWALBE CYCLING CLUB6:09
8Archer, Brandon - RS5VernonOLYMPIA CYCLE & SKI6:09
9Larche, Daniel - RS4VictoriaSCHWALBE CYCLING CLUB6:11
10Kornell, Jamie - RS4Kelowna 6:11
11McDowell, Scott - RS4Vancouver 6:14
12Molgat-Roy, Dan - RS4VictoriaBike Cellar6:14
13Young, Fraser - RS4Victorian/a6:15
14Van Veen, Eric - RS4White Rock 6:17
15Graham, Patrick - RS4Vancouver 6:21
16Carson, Neil - RS4VictoriaFAIRFIELD CYCLING CLUB6:30
17Kanusz, Grelecki - RM2KelownaCyclepath6:33
18Mclellan, David S. - RM3Victoria 6:45
19Hall, Andrew - RS4Vancouver 6:47
20Mcintosh, Riley - RJ4DuncanEXPERIENCE CYCLING6:48
21Gard, Joseph - RS1Victoria 6:58
22Lewis, Roy - RM4Vancouver 7:08
23Dustin, Beckner - RJ1Victorian/a7:22
24Mitchell, Andrew - RC4Victoria 9:06
25Thompson, Scott B - RS4Edmonton 11:50

New Online Registrations

We have justed added online registration for the Sunlight World Challenge (at the Tissot-UCI Canmore World Cup presented by Coors Light), July 7-9, 2000. You can register for the Cross Country and Criterium events, and purchase World Cup merchandise. We will also be putting up registration for the Mont Ste Anne World Cup events in the next few days. Please note that these are for the non-Pro competitions. Registration for the pro/UCI events is only through your national federation.


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