Canadian Cyclist


May 28/00 2:21 am - Montreal Women's World Cup

Posted by Editoress on 05/28/00

10:45am - Montreal World Cup

With less than half an hour to the start of the race, the sun has been replaced with clouds and the temperature sits at 15 degrees. No rain is forecast.

There will be 79 starters in this the 4th round of the 2000 Women's World Cup.

Teams and riders to watch:

Geneviéve Jeanson!!

Team Acca Due o-Lorena Camicie: Team of the current World Cup Leader Diana Ziliute. Also on this team are Marion Clignet, Jolanta & Rasa Polikeviciute These 4 riders could pose a very serious threat to Jeanson who will receive very little team support.

Dutch rider Mirjam Melchers has been riding very strong this season.

Last year's winner Tracy Gaudrey returns (with a team this time), riding for Timex which also has Mari Holden (riding strong this year) and Canadian Odessa Gunn who will ride hard to support Gaudrey.

Saturn rider, 2nd place last year and local rider Lyne Bessette.

Gas Sport Team: Team of Fabiana Luperini and Pia Sunstedt, who has been riding well .

On the Canadian National squad, Leigh Hobson is joined by a returning Sue Palmer.


The bikes for the Belgian Vlaanderen 2002 team did not arrive on their flight and Gervais Rioux has been able to supply the entire team with bikes so that they can start todays race.

Rob spoke with Louis Barbeau of the FQSC who predicts that Jeanson will drive hard from the start. She will set a very high tempo to try and split the field up. She will then take a look around and see who has been able to stay with her and then form a plan for the remainder of the race.

11:25am - Jeanson sets the pace at Montreal World Cup

The pack has started up the first climb of the day with Jeanson leading Luperini, who is "glued" to Jeanson's wheel, at a fast pace. The rest of the Gas Sport team is very close too. The pack is already beginning to stretch out behind them.

11:45am - Lap 3 Montreal World Cup

Saturn has been launching attack after attack on the flat sections of the course forcing Jeanson to chase. Their tactic is to tire her out. On the climb during lap 3 it is Team Gas Sport in control with Bonanomi leading Luperini. Jeanson is sitting about 6 back.

11:50am - Lap results
Lap 1
Pregnolato Gabriella (ITA) GAS
Vink Elsbeth (NED) PAYS BAS
Luperini Fabiana (ITA) GAS
Cappellotto Valaria (ITA) GAS
Stiajkina Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Bessette Lyne (CAN) SATURN
Urbonaite Zita (LIT) ACCA DUE

Lap 2
Jeanson Geneviève (CAN) MEDICO SPORTIF
Stiajkina Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Luperini Fabiana (ITA) GAS
Sundstedt Pia (FIN) GAS
DiGuistini Cybil (CAN) TEAM ELITA
Ziliute Diana (LIT) ACCA DUE
Hobson Leigh (CAN) CANADA
Melchers Mirjam (NED) PAYS BAS
Moore Darnelle (CAN) INTERSPORTS
Polikeviciute Rasa (LIT) ACCA DUE
Beltman Chantal (NED) PAYS BAS

12:05pm - Gas Sport still in control

Part way through lap 4, Team Gas Sport is still at the front in control. The pack seems to have settled down and are just riding, waiting for someone to launch an attack.

Lap 3 results

Bonanomi Roberta (ITA) GAS
Luperini Fabiana (ITA) GAS
Ziliute Diana (LIT) ACCA DUE
Stiajkina Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Bessette Lyne (CAN) SATURN
Jeanson Geneviève (CAN) MEDICO SPORTIF
Beltman Chantal (NED) PAYS BAS
Polikeviciute Rasa (LIT) ACCA DUE
Holden Mari (USA) TIMEX
Pryde Susy (NZL) SATURN

80 athletes ont pris le depart a 11:06 du haut du Chemin Camilien Houde pour la 4eme etape de la coupe du monde feminine.
Le premier tour a ete complete en un temps record soit 13:32 minutes.

A la tete du peloton nous avions Gabreille Pregnolato, Vink Elspeth ainsi que Lyne bessette en 6eme position

au deuxieme passage, le Grand Prix de la Montagne a ete remporte par Genevieve Jeanson suivie de Tatiana Stiajkena et Fabiana Luperini en un temps de 13 minutes 52 secondes

May 28/00 12:25pm EDT - World Cup Report 5

12:25 - Lap 6 - Half way

The pack is staying together with Gas Sport still in control and Jeanson sitting no further back than 10th

Results from Lap 4

Stiajkina Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Luperini Fabiana (ITA) GAS
Holden Mari (USA) TIMEX
Sundstedt Pia (FIN) GAS
Wilson Anna (AUS) SATURN
Melchers Mirjam (NED) PAYS BAS
Polikeviciute Jolanta (LIT) ACCA DUE
Jeanson Geneviève (CAN) MEDICO SPORTIF

May 28/00 12:45pm EDT - World Cup Report 6

12:45pm - The end of lap 6

The race is now half over. The pack is still together. Luperini and Team Gas Sport at or near the front, at all times keeping a watchful eye on Jeanson

Lap 5 Results

Bessette Lyne (CAN) SATURN
Luperini Fabiana (ITA) GAS
Gilfillan Ceris (UK) GREAT BRITAIN
Stiajkina Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Vink Elsbeth (NED) PAYS BAS
Jeanson Geneviève (CAN) MEDICO SPORTIF
Gaudry Tracey (AUS) TIMEX
Sundstedt Pia (FIN) GAS
Demet Deirdre (USA) SATURN

Lap 6 Results

Luperini Fabiana (ITA) GAS
Stiajkina Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Gaudry Tracey (AUS) TIMEX
Vink Elsbeth (NED) PAYS BAS
Polikeviciute Jolanta (LIT) ACCA DUE
Sundstedt Pia (FIN) GAS
Jeanson Geneviève (CAN) MEDICO SPORTIF
Ziliute Diana (LIT) ACCA DUE

Lap 3 & 4

au 3eme passage, Roberta Bonanomi suivie de Fabiana Luperini mene le peloton avec un chrono de 41 minutes 30 secondes

le GPM au 4 eme passage est remporte par Tatiana Stiajkina en un temps de 55 minutes 1 secondes suivi de Fabiana Luperini et de Mary Holden et Pia Sunstedt

1:00pm - 4 laps to go

With 4 and a half laps to go, Bonanomi of Gas Sport was at the front pushing the pace as the now depleted pack headed up the climb. Lyne Bessette has been making regular appearances chasing her down over the course of the lap. Jeanson is sitting in about 5th.

At the end of the lap, Jeanson has gone to the front and is pushing the pace with Lyne Bessette close on her wheel and a couple of Dutch rider is close pursuit.

1:10pm - Results of lap 7

Gilfillan, Ceris (UK) GREAT BRITAIN
Luperini, Fabiana (ITA) GAS
Bessette, Lyne (CAN) SATURN
Ziliute, Diana (LIT) ACCA DUE
Vink, Elsbeth (NED) PAYS BAS
Melchers, Mirjam (NED) PAYS BAS
Schuster, Pamela (USA) AUTOTRADER.COM
Stiajkina, Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Jeanson, Geneviève (CAN) MEDICO SPORTIF

1:15pm EDT - 30 km to go

A group of 20 riders, including all of the top contenders, has gone off of the front. The pack is chasing and near the bottom of the climb were closing, but the climb will certainly split them up again.

1:25pm - 20 km to go - Group of 4 off the front

Sundstedt has launched and attack and went clear taking Luperini with her. Melchers and Zilute than attacked and bridged up. Jeanson and Bessette are now attempting to bridge and are about 20 seconds sown on the 4 leaders.

Results of Lap 8

Pieters, Cindy (BEL) VLAANDEREN
Bessette, Lyne (CAN) SATURN
Stiajkina, Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Jeanson, Geneviève (CAN) MEDICO SPORTIF
Melchers, Mirjam (NED) PAYS BAS
Vink, Elsbeth (NED) PAYS BAS
Sundstedt, Pia (FIN) GAS
Beltman, Chantal (NED) PAYS BAS
Ziliute, Diana (LIT) ACCA DUE

1:35pm - 2 Laps to go

Sundstedt and Luperini are off the front again. Zilute has dropped Melchers, is chasing hard and is about 10 seconds back. Melchers is about to be caught by a group of 4 that has Lyne Bessette at the front. Jeanson is in another group behind them that is about a minute down on the leaders.

1:45pm -Start of the final lap

Sundstedt and Luperini are still well off the front. Zilute is 35 seconds back, then Melchers and teammate Elsbeth Vink (NED) Team Netherlands. There is a group of 10 that is chasing but they are a minute down. Lyne Bessette and Tracy Gaudry are in this group. Jeanson is well back in the main pack.

Lap 9
Luperini Fabiana (ITA) GAS
Sundstedt Pia (FIN) GAS
Melchers Mirjam (NED) PAYS BAS
Ziliute Diana (LIT) ACCA DUE
Bessette Lyne (CAN) SATURN
Jeanson Geneviève (CAN) MEDICO SPORTIF
Vink Elsbeth (NED) PAYS BAS
Pieters Cindy (BEL) VLAANDEREN
Clignet Marion (FRA) ACCA DUE
Gilfillan Ceris (UK) GREAT BRITAIN
Stiajkina Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Bonanomi Roberta (ITA) GAS

Lap 10
Luperini Fabiana (ITA) GAS
Sundstedt Pia (FIN) GAS
Ziliute Diana (LIT) ACCA DUE
Melchers Mirjam (NED) PAYS BAS
Vink Elsbeth (NED) PAYS BAS
Beltman Chantal (NED) PAYS BAS
Bessette Lyne (CAN) SATURN
Pieters Cindy (BEL) VLAANDEREN
Gilfillan Ceris (UK) GREAT BRITAIN
Schuster Pamela (USA) AUTOTRADER.COM
Stiajkina Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Parente Simona (ITA) GAS

Lap 11
Sundstedt Pia (FIN) GAS
Luperini Fabiana (ITA) GAS
Ziliute Diana (LIT) ACCA DUE
Vink Elsbeth (NED) PAYS BAS
Melchers Mirjam (NED) PAYS BAS
Stiajkina Tatiana (UKR) ACCA DUE
Bessette Lyne (CAN) SATURN
Pieters Cindy (BEL) VLAANDEREN
Gilfillan Ceris (UK) GREAT BRITAIN
Schuster Pamela (USA) AUTOTRADER.COM
Bonanomi Roberta (ITA) GAS
Gaudry Tracey (AUS TIMEX

2:10pm - Sundstedt wins Women's World Cup #4


1. Sundstedt, Pia (FIN) GAS Sport
2. Luperini, Fabiana (ITA) GAS Sport
3. Ziliute, Diana (LIT) ACCA DUE
4. Melchers, Mirjam (NED) PAYS BAS


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