Canadian Cyclist


June 4/00 5:33 am - Women's Camp (Ontario), SIMBS News (B.C.)

Posted by Editor on 06/4/00

Fly Gurlz Mountain Bike Camp - Ontario

We are proud and excited to be bringing another Women's Mountain Bike Clinic to Boler Mountain Bike Centre in London. We had a FANTASTIC turnout last year and wish nothing more than to exceed those numbers for 2000! 7 members of our team are confirmed for rider instruction, along with 3 very special guest coaches. As you can imagine this makes for an excellent coach/student ratio! This clinic welcomes women of all ages and ability levels - we cater and design our coaching around each and every person who attends!

Fly Gurlz Mountain Bike Clinic
Boler Mountain Bike Centre, London, Ontario
July 1 & 2
9 am - 4 pm each day
Gourmet cook Katherine is back for another great year of cooking!
Groovy Fly Gurlz T-Shirt with registration - sized small for women!
Bikes available for rental

Team members attending:

Wendy Simms - elite racer, NCCP level one MTB coach
Heather King - elite racer
Sigrid Hynscht - expert racer & OMBI level one MTB instructor
Michelle Ward - team manager & NCCP level one MTB coach
Karley Cunningham - expert racer
Dana Wagler - Junior racer
Barb Brzezicki - Expert downhill racer

Guest coaches:

Dan Marshall - Elite rider and founder of the University Cup, NCCP Level One
Steve Copeland - Expert racer & brilliant mechanic
Angela Mawdsley - 1999 Provincial Champion, OMBI Level One

Call us for information or a brochure! 519-599-6887

South Island Mountain Bike Society (SIMBS) News - B.C.

SIMBS volunteers have just submitted to Capital Regional District Parks a proposal for a "terrain park" like addition to the trails at Hartland, a mountain Bike Park in Victoria BC. What is the "Technical training Area" ? What a skateboard park is to skateboarding, and a terrain park is to snowboarding, the TTA will be to mountain biking. It will be handmade obstacles, challenges, and stunts in an area near the entrance to the park that will offer challenges for riders from beginner to extreme skill levels. Check out in detail the proposal at: There are wheelie-drop ramps, steps, logs, whoops etc. It cannot be built until we get approval from CRD Parks. We want feedback from everyone on ways to improve the plan and strategies for improving our chances of getting it approved. Information on liability issues, safety issues, fun issues, send it in. Feel free to plagiarize our plan if you give us credit. This is a first for mountain biking, so we need all the help we can get in the steps ahead.

The FORUM, CLASSIFIEDS, and NEWS sections are three new, and very popular additions to the SIMBS website ( The FORUM is a discussion area where contentious issues are debated with almost as much light as heat. <:-) The needs of extreme riders and the issues of unauthorized trails / constructions seems to be the hot topics. SIMBS is not spared criticism! Add your 2 cents! The CLASSIFIEDS are a great way to sell or buy used bikes and parts. All stuff is local and it is the one central place to list stuff. Beats trying to check bulletin boards in many shops. The NEWS section has the latest information on controversies, and the TTA plans. Updated as developments happen. Wanted, content for the pages that are out of date. Try out your writing skills for a good cause and reach a wide audience.

June 11 is the date of the first downhill race ever held at Hartland. Lots of excitement, and challenges as the course is set and being groomed for safety and challenge. Not the longest downhill, but plenty gntechnical. The long travel folks will be head to head with the hardtails. There are rumours of unique prizes. Be there to see what they are. Contact Oak Bay Bicycles in Victoria. BC SUMMER GAMES mountain bike race is July 28 and 29 at Hartland. This is a BC wide race for youth. Hundreds of competitors on a course that is very technical for a X-country race of this type.


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