Canadian Cyclist


June 7/00 9:05 am - 10 years of Champions Celebrated, Ziggy's O-Cup Info

Posted by Editoress on 06/7/00

10 years of Champions Celebrated at 2000 World Championships in Spain

The UCI achieved a logistical miracle by bringing all of the World Champions together for a special tribute ceremony to the first decade of official World Championships at this years opening ceremony celebrations in Sierra Nevada, Spain. Martin Whitely commented that it was a logistical accomplishment to get everyone from all over the world together for this event. All 26 of the champions were presented with a special commemorative world champion jersey.

Special Note: The 1996 XC World Champion jersey was presented to Thomas Frischnecht.

Ziggy's K-W Classic Road Race - O-Cup#5
Sunday, June 18th, 2000
Hidden Valley Road, Kitchener, Ontario

Registration opens at 7:30am

CategoryStart TimeLapsDistanceEntry Fee*
Cadet Men8:30am1050km$15.00
Junior Men8:30am1680km$20.00
Senior 3 Men8:30am1680km$25.00
Master A (30-39) Men8:32am1680km$25.00
Master B,C,D (40+) Men10:45am 1680km$25.00
Senior + Master Women10:47am 1680km$25.00
Junior Women10:47am 1050km$15.00
Senior 1 + 2 Men1:00pm 26130km$30.00

*$5.00 discount if pre-registered by June 11th, 2000.


>From Toronto
Take 401 to Kitchener/Waterloo - Hwy 8 West exit. Follow Hwy 8 past two interchanges then across Grand River & up long hill. Exit right onto King Street East, then right again at lights onto Fairway Road. Proceed through two intersections, and then get into left turn lane for Wilson Avenue.
Proceed along Wilson Ave then left again onto Goodrich Drive.

>From London
Take 401 to Kitchener - Homer Watson Blvd North exit. Turn right onto Manitou Drive, then right onto Wabanaki Drive. Go up Hill and take left onto Wilson Ave. Turn right onto Goodrich Drive.

Parking at Al's Cartage Ltd. - Last left on Goodrich Drive.

For more information:
Call Ziggy's Store at: (519) 893-2963
Email Keith Peck:
Visit the web site: NOW UPDATED! -with course map and lots of other info.

Results will be posted at web site after race.

Keith Peck


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