Canadian Cyclist


November 8/13 12:30 pm - ParticipACTION Webinar: TRUE SPORT

Posted by Editoress on 11/8/13

ParticipACTION is hosting its fall webinar on Wednesday, November 13th, at 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. EST.

In celebration of Sports Day in Canada, please join us to learn more about the True Sport Movement. Karrie Dawson, Director of True Sport Operations at the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, will present an overview of True Sport including the impetus behind its creation, the True Sport principles and why we, as a physical activity and sport community, should become involved. A panel of True Sport Champions - Dina Bell-Laroche, Cindy Crapper and John Cowan - will also join us to talk about the ways in which they have embraced and enacted the True Sport Principles in their communities.

If you would like to join this free webinar, please visit the following link to register: (webinar ID: 142-176-491). You will receive information about how to join us using Go To Webinar. We welcome you to contact us if you have any questions about the webinar.

Our Speakers:

Karri Dawson
Karri Dawson is the Director of True Sport Operations at the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport and is one of the driving forces behind the True Sport Movement, animating champions and organizations that share common values and beliefs about what sport can do for individuals and the communities where they live.

Dina Bell-Laroche
Dina has been working in sport for over two decades and has most recently focused her career on understanding how values can be leveraged more intentionally to change organizational culture and increase performance. Dina is an active True Sport Champion in her community and has done an exemplary job of bring the principles to life both on and off the field of play.

Cindy Crapper
Cindy is the Recreation Services Coordinator - Sport for Life for the City of Vancouver. In 2012 Cindy became a True Sport Champion and in the same year was appointed to oversee the city-wide implementation of True Sport as well as Sport for Life. She is a former Olympic Trials Javelin Champion, National Shot put and Discus athlete as well as a 2010 Olympic Torch Bearer.

John Cowan
John has been a Physical Education teacher at Huntsville High School, for 23 years and is the former Sport Council Chair for the town of Huntsville. He is a True Sport Champion that is actively involved in youth driven initiatives in his community. His contributions have not gone unrecognized as he is the recipient of 2010 Community Award for Youth Service Award and just last year lead his school to victory in the True Sport Give Back Challenge. John is a Chartered Professional member of Coaches of Canada.


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