Canadian Cyclist


November 12/13 12:31 pm - Velikonja/Trudell Medical 2014 Roster

Posted by Editoress on 11/12/13

The Velikonja/Trudell Medical Team is pleased to announce their roster and sponsors for 2014. We are very pleased to have Ted Velikonja returning as Co-Title Sponsor as well as Trudell Medical/ProResp as presenting sponsor, Scott Bikes, North London Chiropractic and CR Courier.

The team will race as a provincial trade team in 2014 with a mix of Road, Mountain, Track and MultiSport athletes. The team will contest races in Ontario, Quebec and some U.S. races, with the focus on National Championships for many of the athletes. This will be the 12th year for the team and it hopes to have another strong season in 2014.

Following are the Team riders and sponsors for 2014:

Jesse Rowley U17 Road
Joseph Balasch U17 MTB
Justen Konst U19 Road
Eric MacDonald U23 Track
Stephanie Wood U23 Road
Christopher Rowley U23 Road
Sarah McKenzie Picot Senior Road/Track
Stephanie Bester Senior Road/Track
Ashley Barson Senior Road/Cross
Ryan Power Senior Road
Andrew House Senior Road
Ryan Phelps Senior Road
Joyce Sprewit Senior Road
Becky Jennison Senior Road
Andra Fediuc Senior Road
Chris Barson Senior MTB/Cross
Chris Durand Masters MTB
Eric Jobin Masters MTB
Raye Ackerman Masters Road
Mark Convey Masters Road
Wally Tykoliz Masters MTB
Nathalie Mousseau Masters MTB
Anna Tykoliz Masters MTB/ITT
Brad Nicol Masters Road
Ted Velikonja Masters Road
Jeff Kehler Masters Road
Mike Lewell Masters Road
Doug Jamieson Masters Road
Greg Palmer Masters MTB/Cross
Jaques Bernier Masters MTB
Micheline Bernier Masters MTB
Bill Hellems Masters MTB
Joe Rousseau Masters Road
Paul Micsko Masters Road
Rob Anderson Masters Road/MTB
Chris Helwig Duathlon/Running
Mark Mathieu Duathlon/Running
Jamie Vanderweyst Triathlon/Running
Ryan Clendening Triathlon
James Delodder Duathlon/Running
Kory McKinnon Duathlon/Running
Sacha St. Germain Triathlon/Running
Jenn Ogg Triathlon/Running
Jodie Zimmer Triathlon/Running
Pamela Allan Triathlon/Running
Janice Helwig Running
Annette Harburn Running

2014 Sponsors:

Ted Velikonja
Scott Bikes
North London Chiropractic
CR Courier


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