Canadian Cyclist


November 25/13 18:55 pm - Time to Vote for the Best Bike Shops of 2013!

Posted by Editor on 11/25/13

Welcome to the second annual Canadian Cyclist Bike Shops of the Year Awards! Once again, it is time for our readers to nominate their favourite shops. From your votes we will select the top bike shops from across Canada. We will select up to two (2) shops for each region - Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba/Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Yukon/NWT/Nunavut.

Is there an LBS (Local Bike Shop) that is handlebars above the rest? You know - the one you make excuses to drop by at; that you never feel is trying to sell you something that isn't the best for the job; that clearly shares your passion for cycling?

Well, it is time to recognize them! Vote now for your favourite bike shop of 2013.


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